I told some of you that I would let you know what I found out from the Gastroenterologist concerning my liver (hep-c condition). Is it always true that the doctors do not come right out and tell you what you want to hear? I would rather hear, "It looks bad" than to hear medical jargon that really leaves me still in the dark. Really I'd rather hear, "It looks good."
So, what did the doctor say? First they took my blood, three vials, and did the lab work. My enzymes are elevated and my viral load has go back up to 5,200,000 +/-. I wrote about that already on fb. Then, I had radiology done on my liver. I thought I would hear something solid, one way or the other, but, perhaps to my medical jargon ignorence, what I heard was medical jargon that really ........ like I already said. What I was told was that I looked good, or did she say "ok", or was it "fine"? Not sure, but how can that be if my liver enzymes are elevated and the viral load is over 5 million? I was not told that I had improved or 'deproved'. What? Did I hear somebody say, "Well, why didn't you just ask?" My answer is, "I did." Maybe I just can't remember the exact words. My forgetter is working quite well!
I was told that I had gall-stones. We've known that for maybe two years (I was told that back then but, like I said, my forgetter is working real good). At least it is on the record that I have gall-stones, and I was told that if I wanted to have the surgery to remove the gall bladder, just let them know. I asked about disintegrating the stones and was informed that they didn't, wouldn't or couldn't do that. (My forgetter at work again.) Kidney stones...........yes, but gall stones..........no. After asking what the symptoms were for gall-stones and realizing that I was having none of those symptoms, I decided that I didn't want to punish myself with that operation of removing my gall bladder. Now, you understand that I wouldn't have to remove it myself. The doc would do that. :) Hey, I guess the doc says that I'm ok, but with an active hep-c condition,.........I don't know.
I thank God for every day of strength that He gives me. When I feel 'funny', my energy is totally gone, or I'm having brain fog reactions I will just take it easy and know that tomorrow is going to be better. I will keep trying to eat properly (I'm always stumbling with that), and I'll keep my eyes open for some naturel health remedies to whatever ails me. I'll continue to give my regular doctor some blood samples about every 4 mos. Maybe every 6 mos. I'll go back to the gastroenterologist after a year for another check up, maybe. Who knows? The rapture of the church may take place before that time and I hope to be gone if it happens. Otherwise, I still alive and well. Talk to you later!