In my last blog I said that selfishness was the problem with this world. I have not changed my mind, but that could be expanded to include the more or less identifiable symptom called greed. However, I want to change the direction of our thoughts here so that we might see something that is right with this world.
We have just experienced the joy of Thanksgiving. What a wonderful time of the year. Now, I don't claim to be a philosopher nor even a teacher, so don't be disappointed if all I'm saying amounts to no more than just revving my engine, but I must yelp about the great time of Thanksgiving that we have just enjoyed at my sister's house here in Cleveland, TN. We had relatives from Florida, Alabama and Texas and we got to met some new friends from Wears Valley, Tennessee. The rest of us were from 'close by' Cleveland, TN. There were about 40 of us. Some were young and some were old, some were small and some were large, some were of modest means and some were fairing well, some were fit as a fiddle and some were more like Momma's old, antiquated, Stradivarius (copy) Violin, but we all had one common characteristic; we were all happy. At least everyone seemed happy to me. We've all experienced sadness and disappointment from time to time, but the good news is that we can got over it. We didn't have to continue in a sad, despondent, gloomy mood. What fun! Laughing, singing, reminiscing, and of course eating.
What does this world have to do with that? Well, this world is the creation of God. It is a display of His splendor and majesty. He has created such a beautiful world that even the beauty of it has healing qualities. There are marvelous healing qualities in the trees and the fruit of the land. The clean air we breath is a gift from The Creator. If we only use the "stuff" of this world properly, we would find that everything we need is provided for us by such a caring God, then perhaps, we would know more how to enjoy the good things that this world provides for us because of His care. We have morning, day time, and night. We have summer, fall, winter, and spring. What wonderful mountains and valleys, oceans and springs of fresh, bubbling water. This world operates according to the laws of nature that God has designed. And, I could rev my engine more but I believe I'll just let it idle for a while. There is something right about this world, and I thank God for it.
I do hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you want someone to say a prayer for you, just click on 'Prayer Request' and let me know. I'll be glad to pray for you.