Friday, December 12, 2008

People are Just People

Have you ever noticed how getting acquainted with someone can give you an entirely different picture of that person? I just had that to happen to me. Janis and I went to the North Cleveland Church of God Encourager's Sunday School Class Christmas Banquet tonight and it turned out that we were sitting at the table with two ladies about our age, whom we had met while we were attending the class. I thought they were fine people but figured they were just too far above me socially for there ever to be a real friendly, comfortable conversation with them. They are both widows, so I want to emphasize that Janis and I both were there at the same table with them. We had our introductory (getting reacquainted) greetings, shared two or three 'blond' jokes (one of the ladies was blond......maybe) and just talked and enjoyed our meals.

Both ladies had husbands who were successful ministers in the Church of God - one I knew from years gone by and the other I knew of and had met. This just falsely assured me that they had no interest in getting to know such a non-achiever as I and unfortunately, through no fault of her own, my wife. I must say that we all had a pleasant, yes, interesting, time of sharing. I will never see those ladies as being so socially sophisticated that they can't be friends, again.

Over time I have discovered that people are so much alike. Even those who seem so different. When you get to know someone, I think you will begin to see in some way, how they have traits and characteristics, likes and dislikes, goals and yes, faults, much like yourself. I'm glad to be reminded every now and then that I am not a total odd-ball. It makes me believe more strongly that we were all created by the same God and He has given us our uniqueness, and we should not be ashamed of what God has done.


Fred Alton said...

Lowell, you are touching on the heart of relationships here. If I understand you correctly you are pointing out that our judging what people are like before we get to know them is the crux of our relationship problems. Excellent and thought provoking post.

Favorite One said...

You're right, we often don't take the time to get to know someone without automatically making assumptions.

On the flip side of that, I have found that I often don't want to see the bad. Maybe that's a good thing. :-)

Glad to know I'm not the only one that views themselves as an "odd ball". :-)

L A Brannen said...

If you are the favorite one and an odd ball, then you know that peoples favorite is rather odd. :)) But you are NOT an odd ball!