Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Some of you didn't know that I have just gone through a short time (about 3 weeks) of depression, and that's allright. Even I didn't know how to classify it other than just "sad & half mad" - maybe "down in the dumps" but none of those descriptions can rightly identify the feeling. I am even now aware of the factors that got me down and if I meditated on them I'm afraid I'd get right back in the dumps and carry with me some anger. I did my own psychoanalyzing and decided that the feelings I had were not just sadness and anger at myself for my stupid doings, but were signs of depression. This brief experience gives me the idea that it could take over ones mind and cause him or her to do things that he or she would not ordinarily do. I guess I didn't go into deep depression where that would probably happen because I was able to keep my mind (for what it's worth). I was listening to the radio yesterday and found myself listening to a program where issues concerning depression were being discussed. This really made me aware of the seriousness of the matter. I had never given a lot of thought to it, but recognizing some of the symptoms and then taking a test on line that proved to be helpful, I have decided to post this blog. I may still be struggling with a few issues in the corners of my mind, but I'm gonna be alright. The point I want to make is this: Do not take anyones depressed mood lightly. Be there to lend support if needed and to encourage when appropriate. Do not be pushy or overbearing but watch for the opportunity to give helpful input. Look! I'm not a psycholigist nor a counselor, so 'what do I know', but 'for what it's worth' there it is!


Fred said...

Depression? I have a little second-hand experience with it! Of course everyone gets the blues or has times of melancholia. Believe me, I've had my first hand experience with that. However - so far - I've been able to get over it without medical assistance. Glad you're feeling better and are able to talk about it so freely.

SBrannen said...

I'm glad you shared that on your blog. We'll keep it in our prayers. Sometimes I get that way over things that are specific, but they affect me in an inordinate way - like a sad movie or news story or picture or even just a thought. I saw a sad cartoon (of all things) last year around Christmas and was depressed for about three days. It's no fun to hurt on the inside, but at least I feel some empathy for people who go through that alot.

I wonder if that's what Paul (of Tarsus) struggled with. We won't know until we meet him, but then we probably won't care.

Phil Hoover said...

I have battle depression off and on for about 20 years...and it's no fun..

Thanks for sharing...and please keep me in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

I too have suffered from depression for several years. I know what you are feeling. You are in my prayers.

Favorite One said...

No amount of depression feels good. And, I'm glad that you did not go into a "deep depression". The good Lord knows I certainly did a few years ago. I still struggle - and the only way I maintain now, without medication, is simply because of God. A deep depression most certainly can take over ones mind. You don't want to feel like that, nor act like that - you want to get up and it all be better - yet you struggle and truly cannot just get up and go. While I could not control it at one point, it is reassuring to know that God was in control the entire time. By my going Through It - not around it, not over it, but THROUGH it - I have a better understanding of what other people may be going thru. Perhaps God can use my experience to help someone else. May God reach out to those who are hurting - physically and mentally and help them get through this time. As Andre Crouch's song says - "Through It All" I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God!