Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I did vote early, but I will be watching the election today with as much fervency and devotion as many watch the world series. This election will perhaps have more effect on my life than any before. No matter who wins, I expect to wake up in the morning and continue to breath and eat as usual. Later on however, I'm not so sure. I truely hope that I will continue to have the freedom that God has blessed us with for so many years: Freedom to worship God as my heart dictates to me; Freedom to preach the Holy Bible as I believe it; Freedom to work (if, as a retired person I decide to do so) to play and to live in peace. My prayer is that my candidate will win but it is important that I end my prayer with these words, "Not my will but thine be done."

You may ask, "Could it be God's will for an evil (meaning 'bad') ruler to reign?" (Please note that I am not calling either candidate evil, but we seem to think that one is good and one is bad.) Well, just read the Bible. Sometimes God puts those in power that we think are bad. Have you read the prophets? Do you believe them? Have you read the book of Revelation? Do you not see that some evil times are prophesied to come? I know that some people do not even believe the Bible, but I do. Therefore, I pray for what I desire and concede to the will of God for my life. So far, it has worked. I believe it will continue to work - even in troubled times!!

Let me tell you something else. No matter what! One day I am going to die, either via sickness, accident or old age. Does that mean that God will fail me when that happens. No, no, no! Not on your life! That will be for my good. How? Then, you see, I will be in the first stage of transformation, and I will be changed into the likeness of Christ. Won't that be amazing? I will then no longer be the blunder failure that I sometimes feel like I am, but I will then be perfect. I hope you are planning on being a part of that redeemed body of Christ. Until then, may God's will be done, and my we, His people, give Him praise.

1 comment:

Fred Alton said...

Yes, "He's Got It All Under His Control, and Every thing's gonna be alright!" (Just to quote from a song my brother, Lowell, wrote) I believe that includes this election and the fall-out which follows. No matter who wins - our nation still have much to do on the world's stage which will be somehow complicated. I have confidence in the future of our nation, although we are not exempt from hard times ahead.