Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Final Destination

As I get older, it seems that time passes faster and faster.  It's been almost three months since I last posted a blog on this web site but it seems like it's been much less time than that.  Isn't that the way it is with life?  We wake up on Monday morning and go to bed on Friday night and then we start all over again.  Sometimes it happens so fast that it seems that time overlaps itself and we go to bed on Monday night and wake up on Monday morning.  I guess that's just one of the symptoms of getting older. 
I'm finally realizing that the fast train is moving on, with or without me, so I don't have time to worry about the small stuff.  Some things that used to seem so important to me no longer have that same appeal that they once had.  I think I've learned that all those non-essential, yet enjoyable, things are only there to distract us from the more important, and sometimes undesireable chores.  I think of that song that says, "I can see clearly now.  The rain is gone.  I can see all obstacles in my way."  When I was young I didn't realize that those non-essential, yet enjoyable, things were nothing more than obstacles that would keep me from obtaining a more important benefit - a peaceful life.  I'm not talking about a momentary life, but an eternal life.  Oh, I've had peaceful moments, but they were always interrupted by some non-essential thing that I had placed a lot of value in.  Now, the nearer I get to my final destination, the clearer I can see what is ahead of me.  I don't see all the "things" around me as clearly as I used to, but my destination is getting nearer and clearer every day. 
When I see the younger generation so caught up in the activities of their day, I remember that I used to be a lot like that.  I've even wondered how I did it.  The time does come when we look forward to, with mounting anticipation, the end of the journey.  If I could, I would tell this younger generation to stop worrying about keeping up with their peers, and dare to be different and follow the voice (of God) within.  I don't know how much longer this train ride will continue, but I'm beginning to focus in more and more on the final reward.  It's looking good people.  I'm getting excited.


Fred Alton said...

A very thought-provoking post! I too have changed much in my view of what is important. Yesterday, I was horrified to see the devastation wrought on Japan by that minute long earth-quake followed by hundreds of after-shocks with resulting Tsunami and the death toll is now ever rising. Just think - In just minutes - people had their entire life savings wiped out. I thought - what if that had been us. We escape with only the clothes on our back. We can't use a credit card because there is no place that will accept it. We can't buy a loaf of bread and a cup of tea because the stores have been shaken to a shambles. We join the line to get a hand-out from the rescue team - but not before our nearest loved ones die, begging us to do something to help them. What's happening to our world? If we survive...Our priorities have to be scrapped and a new life has to be started. But from what? For what purpose? No wonder the good book said "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt, but rather lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where theives cannot break through and steal." I'm reminded also that in Matthew 24 we are told that in the last days there will be "earthquakes in divers places" and somewhere else I read that "men's hearts would fail them for fear of those things coming upon the world." Even in the face of all of these disasters, "ook up, for your redemption draweth nigh".

At the same time, we should give thanks to God for His blessings on us and use them wisely. With total faith and trust in God for my future I plan to live in His peace, a "peace that passeth the understanding of this world".

Sorry - your musings kinda made the fire burn. ☺

L A Brannen said...

Fred, I've been reminded by the devastation in Japan how God can quickly change things, not only for us individually but also for the whole nation. In just a moment of time He can change the setting and the backdrop of the whole world. I'm convinced that Jesus Christ will soon return and take charge of things in His own time.