Monday, November 26, 2007

I Will Post Again!

Right now I am between a rock and a hard place when it comes to computing. My computer is presently down, and I am waiting on a part from Dell. Perhaps by the end of the week I will have my computer back on line. I am presently using my wife's computer. That should do, but I don't like the left-handed way she has the layout of her monitor and mouse and I don't like the way I have to open a drawer and slide out the keyboard in order to type. Also, her computer is sooooooooo sloooooooowww (I've got to get here a better computer). I know that is all trivial stuff, but I guess I just like my own computer. Besides, there is a vast amount of information on my computer that I can't get to because it is off line.

I am feeling very well physically. I believe that I am almost up to normal in strength and energy. However, if I've been operating on less than normal for years, while thinking I was normal, then I may have a little further to go, but I'm getting there. When I refer to normal strength, I'm not talking about a muscle bound athelete. I know I've got a lot to do on my muscles. I'm still at 185 lbs. Loosing 65 lbs. should make anyone feel better, don't you think.

I'll try to get back and post something when I get my computer back in operation.


Unknown said...

I am so excited about what the Lord has done for you. I heard that you looked great at Thanksgiving at Bonita's house. I missed being there. I will be at Mom & Dad's for Christmas. Are ya'll going to be in TN for Christmas? or LA? If you are in, I will make it a point to come see you. LOVE TO YOU & AUNT JANIS. You definately need to get her a new computer.

Fred said...

Yeah, Lowell. I know about that slow computer thing too. I have tried to get Frances to upgrade to DSL by calling S. Cent Bell but she is not interested. I'd hate to be stuck with hers at the current speed.