Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Love The Country

We just returned from the country where we were looking at a house for sale, located in a boat dock community. We were looking for a house for my brother Wil, who is planning to mover here soon. Anyway, as I was looking at the houses and all that beautiful land along the way, I began to get a real desire to move to the country. Actually, every time I get out in the country, I get a strong desire to sell my house and buy one out where I can be a little more country. There are so many advantages to living out of the city limits and having plenty of space around you. Then again, there are advantages to living in the city. One of the things I would miss most if I moved to the country is 'Wal-mart'. Really, let 'Wal-mart' stand for all the stores and then you must agree that there is that advantage in the city. In the country, you have to make plans for a longer stay at home before the next drive into town. In the city you can just wait 'till the last minute and then get what you want. If you forget something, no problem, just run around the corner and get it. But in the country, you must wait until you go back into the city - or the nearest store, which may be miles away.

Well, I'm back home now, and I am sitting at my computer and I feel OK. I guess I'll keep the house I've got and think about visiting some country folk now and again. In the mean time, I will just keep looking at and longing for a house in the country.

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1 comment:

Fred Alton said...

You know where I stand on these thoughts without my telling you. I'd live at the cabin - but do confess that it's convenient to have all the stores nearby where things can be bought quickly. When I talk of living in the forest and coming out once a month for groceries, Frances says, "You can come see me when you come out for groceries!" Funny how a woman can keep you tied to the city!