Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ending the Old and Starting the New

The last day of 2007 and the first day of 2008, a Monday and a Tuesday, were days that I will remember for some time. I awoke on that Monday with pain in my hip joint. It was in the joint and not in the hip. The pain was more in the front of my body, right down in the groin area. I wasn't sure if it was the joint or the muscle. If I walked it seemd to get some better and I thought maybe it would be alright by night time, but instead it got worse. By night time, the pain was so discomforting that I was unable to go to sleep. After calling the hotline for the 24hr. nurse about midnight, and taking a hot bath and shower I was able to finally get some rest and sleep. The next day, I could not even lift my leg up off the floor without pain. I managed to hobble around and lift my leg with my hands when needed and thereby made it through the day. Now this second night I was truly getting better, and the next day I felt so much better that I probably would not have done anything about it if it had not been for my wife and my mother. So, I went to the doctor on the 2nd. - what would have been the third day of pain - and he scheduled me to get an ultrasound the next day. I did, and it was decided that I have a hernia. If that seems weird for the kind of pain I had, let me tell you what kind of hernia it's supposed to be. A femeral hernia. For those of you who would know, that is kinda weird because a femeral hernia is most often found in women, not men. I am a man!!

Well, the nurse made an appointment for me to see a surgical specialist and I went to see him today. We have scheduled the surgery for Wednesday. That would be the 23rd. Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital and register for the surgery. It will take about two hours, so I'm told, to go through all the tests that will be performed and get registered. Then of course, Wednesday will be surgery. It will be a one day thing. In and out on the same day. By using the proceedure that the doctor will use, I should be able to get back to my hard work of retirement :) in about two weeks.

I will try to post another blog as soon as I can after surgery. Your prayers will be appreciated. I still believe that God Has Everything Under Control and I'm looking forward to getting back to some kind of 'normal' life.

I always look forward to hearing from anyone who reads my blog.


m.d. mcmullin said...

Hope your surgery goes well. You are in my prayers.

Fred said...

Yes, God has everything under control. I'm thankful you decided to be with us at the cabin New Year's Day - but so sorry you were in such pain. I'll be there for the surgery, praying and believing for a positive outcome. Your older brother.

L A Brannen said...

Thanks to both of you. Your prayers are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you. I hope things go well for surgery.