Thursday, July 19, 2007

If This Is Too Risque.....

Speaking of Proofs of the existence of God, does this count? I just couldn't resist the temptation to post this. Oh my goodness! What's wrong with me, posting something like this on my blog? I do not drink anykind of alcoholic beaverages and do not encourage you to do so either. This may be too risque, but I'm going to blame it on the medecine that I am taking. You know it has all kinds of side effects.
Moving on....... Maybe this website is not quite as risque: I'm still trying to decide if her music is OK. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Muddy's drinking must've influenced you. Just Kidding, of course! I thought it was funny. :-) Luv, your "favorite" niece.

Travelin' On said...

Hee Hee..
Good answer Fayvryt1!
I was thinking it but I wasn't gonna say it. :)
Yeah, well, why not just be yourself bro. That's the way I like you.
You and I have laughed a thousand laughs together over this kinda stuff. ;)
Keep it coming. Life is short and I enjoy laughing.

Anonymous said...

By the way...
Where did you FIND that new singer? Was this just a late night "flippin' through the channels" kind of finding or something else? LOL
Also, I think me and you wrote that same song on the way to Louisiana one time, didn't we? Reckon we could sue for copyright infringement?
You know, I been thinkin'...I know it's dangerous...but how much publicity do you think we could get if we put a certain video of some good Louisiana "hot-pepper peddlin'" preachers? HA
That would sure take home movies to a new level wouldn't it? :)
You just mind an "audience" out there for such enligtenment.
love ya, ME (you guess)

Anonymous said...

LOVED the music. I heard her song "Amazing". It was so cool. My teenager liked it too. I think the funny beer sign is just that. FUNNY. Laughter doeth good like a medicine. (and tastes better than medicine, too).
Hope that you are having a great day. Keep us laughing, and jamming and just be you!
Love you very, very much!

Anonymous said...

Oh, No, Anonymous! (you know who you are) Please do not post that video. That would destroy your brothers world-wide ministry. It would ruin his impeccable reputation. His golden name would become dirt. How could you even think of such a thing. Having so said, I think it is better that I remain anonymous.