Saturday, May 1, 2010

Internet Confusion

The more I try to understand the internet, the more I realize I don't know very much about it. But, I keep trying. Sometimes I think I'm doing pretty good and then sometimes I don't. I'm trying to build a decent website. Now, I've started with a free website because I need to get the feel of it and decide if I think I can do it, before I put out the bucks. I've played with some sort of free website for several years now - off and on, but now I'm trying to get serious about it. I want to build a site that you will visit and buy something from - a site where I can make some money. After about seven or eight years of trial and error, computer crashes, viruses, loses and some wins, I am still confused. I hope I know more than I did back then but the technology has advanced much faster than my knowledge has grown. That means I'm more confused, even though I may be a little smarter. It looks like I'll have to upgrade to a more professional site if I want to do anything productive. I'll let you know if I do. Meanwhile, anybody got a job for me to do. I need to make a little money. LOL :o) Here's one that I am working on. It's still under construction. Here's another one.


Fred Alton said...

Hey Lowell! I'm impressed with your web-site/s. I especially liked the one that has a Church page. That's a GREAT idea that will give people who want to know more about Christianity some options as to different church perspectives. I also pray that your business efforts will ALL be successful!!!

L A Brannen said...

Thanks Fred. I'm want to start posting more blogs here on blogspot. It does seem like there is less activity here but maybe it's just me and my inactivity.