Friday, May 18, 2007

Be careful how much weight you loose!

I am slimmer, but as you can see, I still need to loose a few more pounds.

Here, you can see what my son calls 'my turkey neck'.

About January of this year, I really started trying to loose weight. I have lost about 40 lbs. Part of my motivation was the sick feeling I got about that time that drove me to the doctor. When you're not feeling well, it's not real hard to skip a meal or eat chicken noodle soup. I was also motivated by my very uncomfortable state of existence. I mean, when you can't even tie your your shoes without almost passing out, it's time to do something. When all your clothes are just about to burst at the seams, it's time to do something. One thing I did was buy bigger clothes. That seemed to help, but it really cost money. I bought some size 44's and some 42's with that wonderful 'stretch band' that added about 2 - 4 inches to the waist line. I got some good pants. Louis Raphael, Haggar, Geoffrey Beene - even some Puritan and George (Walmart specials). All total, I guess I bought about 16 pair of pants. I really liked them too, but now, they are just too big for me. I look like a big bag of sticks in them. So, now, I guess, somebody is going to have a blessing in clothes.

I couldn't hardly believe how many pairs of pants that I still had. I mean, these were the pants that I used to wear before I reached 235, 240, and yes, even 250 lbs. I will just have to get these dry cleaned so that they will have a little bit of professional look about them and then wear them for a while. I don't want to spend that much money again, too soon, on pants. I lost weight and I lost money too. I can remember when I couldn't afford to buy a new pair of pants. My, how God has blessed us, Janis and I.

I haven't been through my shirts yet, but that is coming. Most of my shirts, I do not even wear. I just don't really like them. Janis may have to help me with the 'shirt' chore. She likes some that I don't, and I like some that she don't. Oh, dear! I sure hope it doesn't end up in a feud. If it does, I'll just blame it on my medicine.

Here's hoping that I will continue to loose a little more weight (at least 15 more lbs. for now) and that I will then keep the excess weight off.


Travelin' On said...

Wow! You are dropping fast bro. Looking good.
Aren't kids "great" for pointing out stuff? Oh well, I know some good surgeons if you think....NAH, you wouldn't do that would you?
Well, hey, our mom leads the way, right? AND, she even got "hit" on in my blog. She's looking good at 86.
Congrats on your weight loss. I hope you are able to keep up some energy during all this. Have you tried B6 and B12? I really think it helps. We'll talk soon.
Love ya, sis

Travelin' On said...

I see you got your
"visual DNA" going! That's cool!!.

I added that running map thing to mine most recently. If you plot your run/walk, it will tell you how many miles it is!
We're getting the hang of this aren't we?