Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's Still New To Me

Did you ever notice that when you have something new, you really, really like it. As a matter of fact, if it's a new car, you might be found just sitting in it patting the dash, turning the nobs on the radio/cd player, reading the owners manual and even offering to go to the store for your companion. It's just such fun. But after a while, when the new wears off you begin to forget about your 'new' car. When I get a new computer, I always enjoy all the newness about it but soon it is just like to old one; ie. slow, got-a-mind-of-it's-own, missing needed files, etc. Now, this blog spot will probably be similar. Can you believe that I am already adding another post? I might even add another one tomorrow and maybe, I'll do it fairly regular for a while. But I have a feeling that this too will get old. I really hope it doesn't. I think I will be using this, especially for now (while taking the hep-c therapy). When and if the day comes when I begin to miss a post here and there, and more here than there, don't fret for me. In this technological age, there will always be something new to get involved in.

Think about this: This old world is getting pretty old. I'm getting kinda tired of it. Oh, yes! God has blessed me so much. Life is so much better because of God, but God's plan for all of our lives is to get us ready for a new home in a new world. Man, I'm looking forward to that new life. I'm thinking of that song right now: "Some day, some happy day, from sin set free, I'll live with Christ for 'aye. Some day, some day", "Heaven's sounding sweeter all the time. Lately, it's all I think about most of the time. Soon and very soon, I'll leave this old world behind. Oh! Heaven's sounding sweeter all the time" and "Just wait 'til you see my brand new home." No, I'm not sad and blue; just excited about my new life.

Enjoy these blog posts with me for now and smile!


Travelin' On said...

Good Morning brother!
Told ya I'd be looking you up. :)
Oh yes, that's a fine song line up you got going. You're right, we ARE supposed to want to go home. When I am struggling sometimes or thinking that life sure would be easier and better on the other side then it occurs to me, "yes, it should be that way." We just have to keep it all in perspective and be grateful like you say for our current life which I too am. Good thoughts.
Well, last night, I too launched out into the blog world. I am so new at it I felt much like you said, like it will probably wear off but like you, I am trying it. I have no idea how to really get my page to look like I want it to really, but I played on it yesterday. Check it out for me.

Anonymous said...

Hello my "Favorite Uncle Lowell", You sound like Muddy - singing about "I wanna Go Home! I wanna Go Home!" Even tho I'm a bit younger - I too find myself thinking more & more about that grand & glorious new home we're gonna have. It's grand that we think about it. But I don't wanna forget my dash - what I've done/will do from 1965 - the day I go to my new home! I've got to work at filling it up with good & Godly works!
Guess I'll sign off for now. I love you! Love, your "Favorite" niece!

Anonymous said...

I may not be your favorite neice, but I know her pretty well. I am glad that you are keeping us informed. I have a blog, too. It is in the homeschool blogger page, but I find it helps me get through some days with 3 kids at home. (one teenager, one in kindergarten and one that is potty-training). I am glad I can sing with you those songs, also "I'll Fly Away" and "It's just about over, soon the Lord will come, the battle's nearly ended, and the race is almost run, soon from the Eastern sky..." well, you know.
I love you! Tabby