Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sibil! This is For You!

I just received a comment from Sibil on my blog entitled, "My First Entry". I'm not sure how to email a message to her, so if my attempt to do so did not work and, if you're reading this, Sibil, this one is for you!

Even though you are scared, and I think all of us heppers are to some degree, you still seem to have the right attitude about this unknown journey. That is so important. I have read some comments at and a few other comments from 'I don't remember where', and it seems that so many are bitter and negative about the situation, and some seemed justifiably so. I can only thank God that I have not, and you have not, gotten to that place. If you have read some of my blogs, perhaps you know that I believe in and trust in God and am confident that the Bible is the true Word of God. I believe the Bible, or God, gives us the right to be positive. I am not positive that I have hepatitis-c and am eventually going to die from it, nor am I positive that the treatment is going to deal me a severe blow, but I am positive that God has a plan for my life, and your life, and it is a good plan.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. - NAB
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. - NAB

Your faith in God is important, but you will probably need the support of your son and your brother and all of your friends whom you confide in, from time to time. I do hope your boss will understand and support you. As your learn more about this 'dragon', that's what heppers call this virus, you will see that you are not lazy. In your comment you said, "Been tired, work part-time, have to take...'"naps"', and just feeling blah. Figured it was my "'no routine'" routine." I can identify with that. I used to say that I was lazy, and I'll admit there were times when I believed that I was truly lazy, but so often I would say that just to laugh at the feeling of fatigue, caused by the 'dragon', that I lived with. I have found a few helpful sites that you may want to explore. Scroll down the right side of my blog site and you will see some links to "Web Sites For Your Health". Be sure to check out 'Be In Charge'. I have talked to them two or three times at length.

I would encourage you to continue to pray, get more involved in church, and read the Bible. It certainly won't hurt you. I believe it will help.

I have found that using these blog posts to report my progress has given me a lot of 'therapy'. Maybe something like this, or even just keeping a journal of your journey will help. I will pray for you and believe that God will do something good for you.

God Bless You!


Travelin' On said...

Lowell, this is awesome. Imagine, someone just happened to be looking at blogs, and your blog reached her. Coincidence? Could be. But, I like to think that if God can use things like, stones, donkeys, sticks... well ok staffs, etc.. you get the picture, then he can use a blog. However, he had you to do the writing. Isn't that awesome?
I don't know if your dragon sword pen picture has affected me over the wireless or what but I actually got tears in my eyes when I went back and read Sibil's comment. Sibil, IF you see this I will say a prayer for you too. I will pray God's blessings and his best to you.

K E Alexander said...

And you say you are retired! Sounds like you're ministering to hurting people! Like Corky says, he still preaches...he just does so on his blog. I've never known a Brannen to retire yet!