I hope no one has given up on me. I'm still alive and well. I've just been doing stuff. Now, I don't have much excuse for just sitting in front of the computer so much of the time, since I've been off the medication that I was on for about two months. My wife expects more of me now, as does others. I have also began to get involved in some other activities that require my time. I don't want to forsake my blog posts, but I have been thinking about getting one of those free web sites just to check it out, and if I like it I may try to do something with it. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.
Recently, after viewing Lee University's In Circle web site, and corresponding with some of the alumni, I thought it might be OK to blog the post that follows. This is a small portion of my 'writings' that I have on file in my computer. It may be out dated today, but it gets to the point, I think. Tell me what you think. Here it is:
"What about the church teachings? Can we really change them? What about unwritten “practices”, or should I say “teachings”, of the church. I'm talking about those personal convictions that were preached and forced upon congregations, and those church rules that were not intended by God to be His rules. If it was a sin for one man is it not a sin for all? Let me answer that like this: 'What ever is a sin against God, in the sight of God, is a sin for one and all.' But some of the things that were called sin, are not identified as sin in the scriptures.
"More should be said about that, but I am intending to get to another point; mainly this: It seems that the founders of our church, the Church of God, were able to live by the standards of the church, and there are many today who also seem to have very little difficulty accepting those standards and live by them. I truly believe most of those dear saints of God lived holy lives. There are some dear saints of God today who are also living holy lives. But there have been many changes. Changes, no doubt, that would make the early church fathers (of the Church of God) very displeased if they could see those changes.
"There is a move, I think, toward a less severe church in the area of discipline. The church today no longer sees some of the "personal convictions" of the past as sin. They no longer feel that some of the church teachings of the past, for which many were excommunicated, are sinful. The idea of a Christian committing sin was unthinkable, but today it is not impossible to hear Church of God ministers, even Church of God officials, preach that we need to confess our sins and return to God. The church used to think more in terms of being perfect, but now you may often hear from the Church of God pulpit, that we have not yet attained unto perfection. The church used to speak in terms of entire, instantaneous sanctification, but it is not unrealistic to expect to hear the minister talk of a continual and gradual sanctification.
"In my own studies and observations, I have learned that Christians do sometimes sin. Should I say "most" Christians? That is certainly the case with me. I know I am not perfect. The "Baptist idea" that we are sinners saved by grace, is not as far off track as I used to think it was.
. . . . .
"How did those early church founders live such holy lives? How did my Grandmother do it? And how did my parents do it? Why has my struggle in living holy (if keeping the church teachings is living holy) been such a chore for me? Notice, I didn't say I was not keeping the church teachings; I simply admitted that is was not always easy - especially in the area of entire sanctification.
"Here are five things to consider:
"1. The founders of the Church of God did not conform to the church teachings -- they formed the church teachings. They did not make rules that were in disagreement with their practices.
"2. Some, had a temperament and personality that fit snugly into their mold and they did not have to make any effort to keep the standard.
"3. Some, had a temperament and personality that, even though it was difficult to meet the standard, they were actually able to force themselves to do those things required of them, in order to be a good Church of God member.
"4. Some of the early church members (and leaders), actually, did not live by the church teachings. When it was discovered that they were not living by the teachings they were excommunicated.
"5. Some, claimed to live by the church rule, and it was never found out that in reality they were unable to 'keep the standard'."
It seems almost cruel to stop this blog on that note, but it's a long blog and I may add something later. I hope you still love me!!??
Have a Very Merry Christmas and don't forget who the celebration is all about. Jesus Christ Our Lord!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I'm Happy Again!
Not that I was sad! It's just that I didn't have my connection to the world. I didn't have my soap box. I didn't have my tools for work and play. My computer!! But now, I am happy again. My computer was down for about two weeks. I tried to fix it. Thought it was the switch, spent about $17.00 for a new switch and replaced it, discovered that I am not as smart as I was hoping to be and then let a real repairman fix it for me. It was the power supply. I suspected that! Yeah, right! Any way, I had to use my wife's sloooooooooow computer to make my last two posts, but now I am flying again. :)
I got my computer back from the repairman Saturday. I picked it up Saturday morning, went to Chattanooga to the Red Lobster to celebrate my son's 25th. birthday, and got home in time to set the computer back up and do a few checks and then prepare a financial report for our Sunday School class (my wife is the class treasurer) which was due on Sunday morning. Close but we made it! Sunday, with all that goes on (you know, like eating, talking to company, taking an afternoon nap, etc.) I just didn't get around to blogging. Then Monday! Now that's another story. Not very interesting, but it is a story. A do-nothing morning, a take-Momma-to-the-doctor afternoon and a leaf-raking evening. At this hour, 7:30am, Tuesday, December 11, 2007, Janis is off to school and I am back!!!!
I've got this feeling that this blog is going to be short, as it shoud be, and I'll not say much more than what I've already said but I will post another blog soon. I think it's about time I put some pictures of somebody or something on this blog. Don't you? Well, maybe I'll get around to that today or tomorrow, if all goes well.
This is just to let you know that I have my computer repaired, I am back on line and I am happy.
I got my computer back from the repairman Saturday. I picked it up Saturday morning, went to Chattanooga to the Red Lobster to celebrate my son's 25th. birthday, and got home in time to set the computer back up and do a few checks and then prepare a financial report for our Sunday School class (my wife is the class treasurer) which was due on Sunday morning. Close but we made it! Sunday, with all that goes on (you know, like eating, talking to company, taking an afternoon nap, etc.) I just didn't get around to blogging. Then Monday! Now that's another story. Not very interesting, but it is a story. A do-nothing morning, a take-Momma-to-the-doctor afternoon and a leaf-raking evening. At this hour, 7:30am, Tuesday, December 11, 2007, Janis is off to school and I am back!!!!
I've got this feeling that this blog is going to be short, as it shoud be, and I'll not say much more than what I've already said but I will post another blog soon. I think it's about time I put some pictures of somebody or something on this blog. Don't you? Well, maybe I'll get around to that today or tomorrow, if all goes well.
This is just to let you know that I have my computer repaired, I am back on line and I am happy.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 26, 2007
I Will Post Again!
Right now I am between a rock and a hard place when it comes to computing. My computer is presently down, and I am waiting on a part from Dell. Perhaps by the end of the week I will have my computer back on line. I am presently using my wife's computer. That should do, but I don't like the left-handed way she has the layout of her monitor and mouse and I don't like the way I have to open a drawer and slide out the keyboard in order to type. Also, her computer is sooooooooo sloooooooowww (I've got to get here a better computer). I know that is all trivial stuff, but I guess I just like my own computer. Besides, there is a vast amount of information on my computer that I can't get to because it is off line.
I am feeling very well physically. I believe that I am almost up to normal in strength and energy. However, if I've been operating on less than normal for years, while thinking I was normal, then I may have a little further to go, but I'm getting there. When I refer to normal strength, I'm not talking about a muscle bound athelete. I know I've got a lot to do on my muscles. I'm still at 185 lbs. Loosing 65 lbs. should make anyone feel better, don't you think.
I'll try to get back and post something when I get my computer back in operation.
I am feeling very well physically. I believe that I am almost up to normal in strength and energy. However, if I've been operating on less than normal for years, while thinking I was normal, then I may have a little further to go, but I'm getting there. When I refer to normal strength, I'm not talking about a muscle bound athelete. I know I've got a lot to do on my muscles. I'm still at 185 lbs. Loosing 65 lbs. should make anyone feel better, don't you think.
I'll try to get back and post something when I get my computer back in operation.
Monday, November 19, 2007
That Was Close!
Whew! That's what I call close. My birth certificate from Florida arrived today. My liscense expires tomorrow. I went to the driver's liscense office this afternoon, expecting to spend about 2 hours of waiting, but wouldn't you know I didn't have to wait at all. How about that? Well, actually I didn't even go inside. You see.....they are closed on Mondays. Hey, they are off for the holidays Thursday and Friday also, so that means they will only work two days this week. It's not like 'there-is-no-business-therefore-it's-more-profitable-to-close'. If you've ever been to this office in Cleveland, you know what I mean. It's always been rather busy when I've been there. About three times. Now that's our state tax dollars at work. Oh, well. If I was working there, I'd be very excited about working only two days too. I don't want to point a finger at the local employees, but it's just a little example of how sluggish, 'big government' envolvement slows things down. Man! I believe me and you could tell Nashville how to run things, couldn't we? I know I could. That's why you can look at me and see all the success that follows me. Right?! hahaha! I am just kidding. I plan to be there first thing in the morning with my birth certificate in my hand. And, if I have too, I just might try the office in McMinn county. I just hope my eyes don't give me any problems!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
My Last Visit To The Specialist!
Well, well, well! What will I blog about now? Since I have been taken off my medication and the therapy has stopped, I should be feeling better. I am feeling better. Ain't that something? Off the medicine and feeling better! So "my progress" is just going to be gooder-n-gooder. I guess I'll have to blog more about "church, my family, sermon thoughts, theology, other and new things". (see my blog labels)
Let me just say this concerning the doctor visits to Dr. Buchner: It was kinda sad to say good-bye to those nurses. After seeing them so many times, I begin to think of them as my friends. So, why didn't I think of the doctor as my friend? Simple! Believe it or not, I never did even meet the doctor. I wouldn't know him if I bumped into him. I think he only comes to the Cleveland office once a week. Now, he could be comming more than that, but I still never met him and I don't know him. He sure has a good staff though, and I was well pleased with the care I received from them.
On this last visit, Monday, Nov. 12th., for the first time, I didn't loose any weight. As a matter of fact I gained 2 lbs. My blood counts were almost normal. I was almost out of the anemic stage, falling short of it only by a .2 (point two) reading of one of the four or five or more readings that they do. I knew I was getting better. In summary: It was hepatitis-c, geno-type 1b, I completed 28 weeks of the 48 week therapy session, beginning viral load of 7.2 million, mid-term load of 164,000, ending load of 1.02 million, I would not clear the virus, my primary care physician would receive a report of all that was done and he can do the same lab work if he desires. That's the doctor's report but there is another report to consider (See my blog dated Thursday, Oct. 18th., entitled "Whose Report Will You Receive?")
Should there be any important developments concerning my fight with the hepatitis-c virus, I'll probably post something about it on this blogspot.
Here's something new for you to feel sorry for me about. I have to renew my driver's liscense by Nov. 20th. This is the 16th. However, I can't do it yet. I'm waiting for the office of vital statistics in Florida to send me a certified copy of my birth certificate so I can prove to the liscense bureau that I am who I said I was five years ago when they issued me a Tennessee State driver's liscense. Mercy, mercy, mercy! I have my valid Tennessee driver's liscense, with my picture on it, and all the other important info, but that want do. The requirement is that since this is my first renewal, I must have my birth certificate. I ask you now. Does that mean that they are admitting to the possibility that they may have liscensed me illigally? Sounds like it to me. Well, the best way for me to respond to all that is just like I am doing now. I've put a rush order in for my birth certificate and I'm waiting. When it comes, I'll just go down to the liscense bureau office and take my number and go through the mill for my renewal. I'll not grumble nor complain. Err...ah, is that what I am doing now? Complaining? I'll get over it.
Let me just say this concerning the doctor visits to Dr. Buchner: It was kinda sad to say good-bye to those nurses. After seeing them so many times, I begin to think of them as my friends. So, why didn't I think of the doctor as my friend? Simple! Believe it or not, I never did even meet the doctor. I wouldn't know him if I bumped into him. I think he only comes to the Cleveland office once a week. Now, he could be comming more than that, but I still never met him and I don't know him. He sure has a good staff though, and I was well pleased with the care I received from them.
On this last visit, Monday, Nov. 12th., for the first time, I didn't loose any weight. As a matter of fact I gained 2 lbs. My blood counts were almost normal. I was almost out of the anemic stage, falling short of it only by a .2 (point two) reading of one of the four or five or more readings that they do. I knew I was getting better. In summary: It was hepatitis-c, geno-type 1b, I completed 28 weeks of the 48 week therapy session, beginning viral load of 7.2 million, mid-term load of 164,000, ending load of 1.02 million, I would not clear the virus, my primary care physician would receive a report of all that was done and he can do the same lab work if he desires. That's the doctor's report but there is another report to consider (See my blog dated Thursday, Oct. 18th., entitled "Whose Report Will You Receive?")
Should there be any important developments concerning my fight with the hepatitis-c virus, I'll probably post something about it on this blogspot.
Here's something new for you to feel sorry for me about. I have to renew my driver's liscense by Nov. 20th. This is the 16th. However, I can't do it yet. I'm waiting for the office of vital statistics in Florida to send me a certified copy of my birth certificate so I can prove to the liscense bureau that I am who I said I was five years ago when they issued me a Tennessee State driver's liscense. Mercy, mercy, mercy! I have my valid Tennessee driver's liscense, with my picture on it, and all the other important info, but that want do. The requirement is that since this is my first renewal, I must have my birth certificate. I ask you now. Does that mean that they are admitting to the possibility that they may have liscensed me illigally? Sounds like it to me. Well, the best way for me to respond to all that is just like I am doing now. I've put a rush order in for my birth certificate and I'm waiting. When it comes, I'll just go down to the liscense bureau office and take my number and go through the mill for my renewal. I'll not grumble nor complain. Err...ah, is that what I am doing now? Complaining? I'll get over it.
My Progress,
New Things,
Weight Loss
Saturday, November 10, 2007
How To Burn Off Calories
OK, I know it's time I should have blogged already! I'm really trying to wait until my Nov. 12th. appointment is over, (I have a doctor's appointment - my last one to Dr. Buchner) but I just can't, so here's something to consider if you want to loose weight
If you rake leaves for 50 minutes you will burn approximately 210 calories.
If you lift weights for 1 hour and 30 minutes, you will burn approximately 257 calories.
If you houseclean for 2 hours and 35 minutes you will burn approximately 525 calories.
If you work in the garden for 35 minutes, you will burn approximately 165 calories.
If you walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes, you will burn approximately 400 calories.
If you ride a bike for 1 hour and 25 minutes, you will burn approximately 500 calories.
If you walk approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn 305 calories
If you vacuum for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes you will burn 310 calories.
If you play golf (while walking and carrying your clubs) for 1 hour, you will burn 350 calories.
If you walk the dog for 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn 400 calories.
If you do water aerobics for 1 hour and 15 minutes, you will burn 360 calories.
If you play tennis for 55 minutes, you will burn 380 calories.
If you wash the car for 1 hour and 15 minutes, you will burn 220 calories.
If you do aerobic dance for 1 hour and 5 minutes, you will burn 430 calories.
By the way, I now weigh 185 lbs. Just 10 more to go, then I may go to the Pizza Hut. No, no, now! I'm not going to start going to the Pizza Hut, I'm just planning on going once. Just once. Well, maybe after I wait a long time, I may go again. I can't afford to put that weight back on. I've already gotten rid of my larger clothes. I'll just have to be disciplined. Yeah, right! Help me ya'll.
If you rake leaves for 50 minutes you will burn approximately 210 calories.
If you lift weights for 1 hour and 30 minutes, you will burn approximately 257 calories.
If you houseclean for 2 hours and 35 minutes you will burn approximately 525 calories.
If you work in the garden for 35 minutes, you will burn approximately 165 calories.
If you walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes, you will burn approximately 400 calories.
If you ride a bike for 1 hour and 25 minutes, you will burn approximately 500 calories.
If you walk approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn 305 calories
If you vacuum for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes you will burn 310 calories.
If you play golf (while walking and carrying your clubs) for 1 hour, you will burn 350 calories.
If you walk the dog for 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn 400 calories.
If you do water aerobics for 1 hour and 15 minutes, you will burn 360 calories.
If you play tennis for 55 minutes, you will burn 380 calories.
If you wash the car for 1 hour and 15 minutes, you will burn 220 calories.
If you do aerobic dance for 1 hour and 5 minutes, you will burn 430 calories.
By the way, I now weigh 185 lbs. Just 10 more to go, then I may go to the Pizza Hut. No, no, now! I'm not going to start going to the Pizza Hut, I'm just planning on going once. Just once. Well, maybe after I wait a long time, I may go again. I can't afford to put that weight back on. I've already gotten rid of my larger clothes. I'll just have to be disciplined. Yeah, right! Help me ya'll.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I Was Wrong!
I hope the way I am handling the dissappointing news from the doctor will help to encourage someone. I know that I am not in pain and some of you may be. I really wish I could tell you how to get rid of the pain without taking the medicine. I can tell you that I believe in God and I believe that He can take your pain away. Will He? If you've never asked Him, you may never know, but even if you continue in pain, I believe that God will give you some kind of strong endurance to survive. Expect and believe that better days are comming. I am not always right about everything that I think I know, but sometimes, the alternative to faith does not work. What then can we do??????
(For about a year and a half now, I have preached only about once per month, so if what follows seems to be a little "preachy" maybe you will bear with me and allow me to say these things.)
I was wrong when 10 years ago the blood collecting agency in Lake Charles, LA tried to tell me that I had hepatitis-c. I decided that there was nothing wrong with me. I was wrong.
I was wrong when Dr. Sims, here in Cleveland, sent me to Dr. Buchner to see if the hepatitis-c was active. I told the nurse that she would see, when the results were in, that it was inactive and I was alright. I was wrong.
I was wrong when after 28 weeks of treatment for hepatitis-c, the virus had not cleared. I just believed, and said, that the virus was gone. I was wrong.
Now, I am saying that God has touched my body and I am going to be alright. Even if I should die with hepatitis-c, I am not going to die because of hepatitis-c.
No doubt, somebody will say, “You are wrong again.”
My reply to that comes from The Bible.
1 Corinthians 10:30 (TLB) If I can thank God for the food and enjoy it, why let someone spoil everything just because he thinks I am wrong?
As Job says in Job 19:4 (TLB) And if indeed I was wrong , you have yet to prove it.
Now I ask you? What do you think I should do? Lay down and give up, or roll over and play dead? That may be an alternative, but it's not for me.
Listen to Jeremiah 8:4-5 (TLB) … When a person falls, he jumps up again; when he is on the wrong road and discovers his mistake, he goes back to the fork where he made the wrong turn….
Proverbs 29:25 (KJV) The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Let me remind you (Hebrews, Chapter 11) of Abel, who offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice - Enoch who was translated that he should not see death - Noah, who being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house - Abraham, who when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went - and Sara who received strength to conceive seed.
And what happened to them? Hebrews 11:13 (KJV) These all died in faith , not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Conclusion: Job 13:15 (KJV ) Though (God) slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
(For about a year and a half now, I have preached only about once per month, so if what follows seems to be a little "preachy" maybe you will bear with me and allow me to say these things.)
I was wrong when 10 years ago the blood collecting agency in Lake Charles, LA tried to tell me that I had hepatitis-c. I decided that there was nothing wrong with me. I was wrong.
I was wrong when Dr. Sims, here in Cleveland, sent me to Dr. Buchner to see if the hepatitis-c was active. I told the nurse that she would see, when the results were in, that it was inactive and I was alright. I was wrong.
I was wrong when after 28 weeks of treatment for hepatitis-c, the virus had not cleared. I just believed, and said, that the virus was gone. I was wrong.
Now, I am saying that God has touched my body and I am going to be alright. Even if I should die with hepatitis-c, I am not going to die because of hepatitis-c.
No doubt, somebody will say, “You are wrong again.”
My reply to that comes from The Bible.
1 Corinthians 10:30 (TLB) If I can thank God for the food and enjoy it, why let someone spoil everything just because he thinks I am wrong?
As Job says in Job 19:4 (TLB) And if indeed I was wrong , you have yet to prove it.
Now I ask you? What do you think I should do? Lay down and give up, or roll over and play dead? That may be an alternative, but it's not for me.
Listen to Jeremiah 8:4-5 (TLB) … When a person falls, he jumps up again; when he is on the wrong road and discovers his mistake, he goes back to the fork where he made the wrong turn….
Proverbs 29:25 (KJV) The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Let me remind you (Hebrews, Chapter 11) of Abel, who offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice - Enoch who was translated that he should not see death - Noah, who being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house - Abraham, who when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went - and Sara who received strength to conceive seed.
And what happened to them? Hebrews 11:13 (KJV) These all died in faith , not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Conclusion: Job 13:15 (KJV ) Though (God) slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Here's something fun to do!!
You Are a Dreaming Soul |
![]() Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others. Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life. Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Whose report will you receive?
I wrote this late last night (Wednesday night) but did not post it, so here it is!
I have anxiously anticipated this day when I could give you this 24 week report. Well actually, it has been more like 27 weeks. I really expected to tell you that the virus was totally cleared and I only had 20 more weeks of treatment to go. That is not the report that I have to give, however. Really, I have two reports to share with you.
The first report is what I received from the doctor’s office today (Wednesday). There is both good news and bad news here. First, the bad news. The virus has not cleared. The report says that my viral load increased from 164,000 to 1,020,000. That’s an increase of 856,000. So, the doctor feels that the treatment is not working and there is no point in continuing with it. That brings the ‘good news’, of a sort. I do not have to continue the treatments. That means when the medication works its way out of my body I should have no more side effects and get back to ‘normal’. My hair should stop falling out, I should have less dramatic emotional reactions, and hopefully, less extreme fatigue.
If that report is not good enough, then here’s the second report. Actually, I got this one earlier but I’ll call it the second one. The past week or so I have been feeling better and Sunday was a great day. Sunday night we were standing in the church singing. I can’t remember all the songs that we sung, but I definitely remember one of them. We were singing, “Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus”. Do you know it? Well here it is on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe65um19-bw No, that’s not our church choir but it is the song we were singing. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good while we were singing and when we got to the verse that says, “He healed my body and He told me to run on,” I just felt so strong that it was for me. I looked over at Janis and I told her, while trying to keep from crying, “He healed my body and He told me to run on.” She agreed. I just knew that there was something going on. You know what I mean? After about another verse, I felt so impressed that I should tell my Mother what I felt, that I sat down and bent over to her and said, “I’ve gotta tell you what I feel like God has said. He healed my body and He told me to run on.” I had just as much difficulty, or more, trying to keep from crying that time as when I told Janis. Now, I believe that God was trying to minister to me. He knew what the doctors report was going to be today (Wednesday), based on the blood work taken last Thursday, but God’s report came to me on Sunday, based on faith in His Word.
I’m here to tell you that God has touched my body. I am off the medication as of today and I want you to help me to believe that I am healed. How can you help me? Don’t speak any doubt to me. Say only words of encouragement, and rejoice with me. Ironically, I can say that I may die “with” hepatitis-c but I do not believe that I will die “because” of hepatitis-c. Do you follow me? I was told when I received the doctors report that the nurse said something like what I just said, and I may have revised it a little but that’s the essence.
Whose report will you receive? Whose report will I receive? I shall receive the report of the Lord. I thank God for every ounce of health in my body and for every breath of air that I breathe. If the rapture doesn’t happen first, I plan on being around for 15 or 20 more years. To God be the Glory!
I have anxiously anticipated this day when I could give you this 24 week report. Well actually, it has been more like 27 weeks. I really expected to tell you that the virus was totally cleared and I only had 20 more weeks of treatment to go. That is not the report that I have to give, however. Really, I have two reports to share with you.
The first report is what I received from the doctor’s office today (Wednesday). There is both good news and bad news here. First, the bad news. The virus has not cleared. The report says that my viral load increased from 164,000 to 1,020,000. That’s an increase of 856,000. So, the doctor feels that the treatment is not working and there is no point in continuing with it. That brings the ‘good news’, of a sort. I do not have to continue the treatments. That means when the medication works its way out of my body I should have no more side effects and get back to ‘normal’. My hair should stop falling out, I should have less dramatic emotional reactions, and hopefully, less extreme fatigue.
If that report is not good enough, then here’s the second report. Actually, I got this one earlier but I’ll call it the second one. The past week or so I have been feeling better and Sunday was a great day. Sunday night we were standing in the church singing. I can’t remember all the songs that we sung, but I definitely remember one of them. We were singing, “Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus”. Do you know it? Well here it is on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe65um19-bw No, that’s not our church choir but it is the song we were singing. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good while we were singing and when we got to the verse that says, “He healed my body and He told me to run on,” I just felt so strong that it was for me. I looked over at Janis and I told her, while trying to keep from crying, “He healed my body and He told me to run on.” She agreed. I just knew that there was something going on. You know what I mean? After about another verse, I felt so impressed that I should tell my Mother what I felt, that I sat down and bent over to her and said, “I’ve gotta tell you what I feel like God has said. He healed my body and He told me to run on.” I had just as much difficulty, or more, trying to keep from crying that time as when I told Janis. Now, I believe that God was trying to minister to me. He knew what the doctors report was going to be today (Wednesday), based on the blood work taken last Thursday, but God’s report came to me on Sunday, based on faith in His Word.
I’m here to tell you that God has touched my body. I am off the medication as of today and I want you to help me to believe that I am healed. How can you help me? Don’t speak any doubt to me. Say only words of encouragement, and rejoice with me. Ironically, I can say that I may die “with” hepatitis-c but I do not believe that I will die “because” of hepatitis-c. Do you follow me? I was told when I received the doctors report that the nurse said something like what I just said, and I may have revised it a little but that’s the essence.
Whose report will you receive? Whose report will I receive? I shall receive the report of the Lord. I thank God for every ounce of health in my body and for every breath of air that I breathe. If the rapture doesn’t happen first, I plan on being around for 15 or 20 more years. To God be the Glory!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I'm Lonesome Today!
I’m lonesome today! Wednesday morning, my wife Janis and my mom left for Louisiana, leaving me here in the house all alone. Whoopeee! Right? When the cat’s away, the mice will play!
Isn’t that the way I have heard it was supposed to be? I thought so, but it’s not working. I don’t know why, but the house seems to be a lot emptier now than when I’m here alone but knowing that Janis will be home about 3:30 or 4:00pm and knowing that my mother may call me at any time. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time on the computer, went to my brother-in law’s house and pestered Mike a little while, and then there was church at 7:00pm. I made it through the day ok.
Today is different. I had a doctor’s appointment this morning at 10:00am (I’ll speak to that in another blog) and after the doctor visit, I took my prescriptions to the drug store and then went to the library. Why not? There’s nothing else pressing to be done. I picked up a couple of DVDs dealing with cabinets, counter tops, and floors. I may learn something from these and they will take up a little of my time while it seems to be passing rather slowly. I decided that this would be a good time for me to go to the thrift store that our church, North Cleveland Church of God, has just recently opened, and see what it looks like. Besides I had a bag full of pants that are too small for me, thanks to my weight loss, and I wanted to give them to the thrift store. I looked around for several minuets and found that it was really a nice store with nice ‘stuff’. Of course, all the ‘stuff’ was used, but it was good. I may have to go back and get some clothes for myself that will fit me in my smaller size.
I left the thrift store and drove out to Grace Assembly, where I used to pastor, and drove around the church. It looked like no one was there so I left and went back by North Cleveland Towers where my mother lives. I know. She’s in Louisiana, but William and Wilbur also live in the Towers. They usually go to some restaurant to eat so I thought I might be able to catch them before they left and invite myself to join them, but they were not there. It was about 11:45am and I was right there at the church so I parked in the church lot and thought I’d just go in and check to see if a pledge I had made about a year and a half ago was paid. It was, so now I guess I’m cleared to pledge to missions and maybe to the “The Miracle Is In The House” campaign that our pastor is launching.

I came back home and heated up some good home-made soup that my wife had left for me and drank a slim-fast shake with it. No, wait! It wasn’t a slim-fast shake. It was an equate shake of some kind. Kinda like a slim-fast.
I guessed then, that I could work on the daily crossword puzzle and I tried, but I didn’t get too many answers, so after cleaning the dishes, I came to this computer and here I am. It’s just 2:00 pm, ya’ll! What am I going to do?
Maybe after I post this blog, I’ll take a nap. That sounds like a good idea. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll stop this
‘jibber-jabber’ and do just that.
Oh! Don’t worry about me. I’ll be going to the Peacemaker’s fellowship meal tonight. It’s catered and cost free. I’ll post again in a few (or more) days. See ya later!
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Today is different. I had a doctor’s appointment this morning at 10:00am (I’ll speak to that in another blog) and after the doctor visit, I took my prescriptions to the drug store and then went to the library. Why not? There’s nothing else pressing to be done. I picked up a couple of DVDs dealing with cabinets, counter tops, and floors. I may learn something from these and they will take up a little of my time while it seems to be passing rather slowly. I decided that this would be a good time for me to go to the thrift store that our church, North Cleveland Church of God, has just recently opened, and see what it looks like. Besides I had a bag full of pants that are too small for me, thanks to my weight loss, and I wanted to give them to the thrift store. I looked around for several minuets and found that it was really a nice store with nice ‘stuff’. Of course, all the ‘stuff’ was used, but it was good. I may have to go back and get some clothes for myself that will fit me in my smaller size.
I left the thrift store and drove out to Grace Assembly, where I used to pastor, and drove around the church. It looked like no one was there so I left and went back by North Cleveland Towers where my mother lives. I know. She’s in Louisiana, but William and Wilbur also live in the Towers. They usually go to some restaurant to eat so I thought I might be able to catch them before they left and invite myself to join them, but they were not there. It was about 11:45am and I was right there at the church so I parked in the church lot and thought I’d just go in and check to see if a pledge I had made about a year and a half ago was paid. It was, so now I guess I’m cleared to pledge to missions and maybe to the “The Miracle Is In The House” campaign that our pastor is launching.

I came back home and heated up some good home-made soup that my wife had left for me and drank a slim-fast shake with it. No, wait! It wasn’t a slim-fast shake. It was an equate shake of some kind. Kinda like a slim-fast.
I guessed then, that I could work on the daily crossword puzzle and I tried, but I didn’t get too many answers, so after cleaning the dishes, I came to this computer and here I am. It’s just 2:00 pm, ya’ll! What am I going to do?
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Oh! Don’t worry about me. I’ll be going to the Peacemaker’s fellowship meal tonight. It’s catered and cost free. I’ll post again in a few (or more) days. See ya later!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A God of Love
I am still reading the book Carpe Diem by Ed Madden, copyright 1993, by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. I know! I'm a slow reader. Maybe that's the reason why I didn't go on to some higher level of education. I can see myself reading a book with many short chapters (like this one) instead of one with few chapters but long ones. I need a stopping place ever so often, where I can put the book down and pick it up tomorrow without loosing the value of the content. My 'hats off' to those of you who can consume a book in one evening. I envy you.
As I said in my blog on September 23rd., I would share some of the book with you as I travel through it, so here is something I'd like to share. Actually, I thought about posting this on Careplace, an internet site where people with health problems meet and support one another, but I thought it might be helpful if I could get some insight from some of you. Ed Madden was not a protestant, evangelical pentecostal, as far a I know, so I am really surprised to hear him talk as well about the love of God as he does. I would love to hear from you, and those of you who have some theological knowledge of the subject, your comment would be most appreciated.
"I went to Catholic grade school and high school and learned to fear God. I came to know a God who was always watching me, who knew my innermost thoughts even before I did and who would have no hesitation about punishing me for the least transgression of his innumerable laws, or even more importantly, the rules of the church."
Ed Madden goes on to tell us how he saw God some years later. He said, "I learned of a God who loved, and like any lover, was always ready to forgive. I studied a Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ, who taught mercy, compassion, and above all, love....
"Those of us with terminal illnesses know that in a longer or shorter period we will be face to face with our God. I am not afraid. Jesus taught us to call God "Father." .... Who loves more than a parent loves a child? Should I believe that my love for my daughter, which I consider boundless, is greater than God's love for me? If so, I would be a better parent than God.
"No, my acceptance by God will depend not so much on how good or bad I've been here, but on how much he loves me. He loves me not because I am so loveable but because he is so loving. My sinfulness cannot discourage me when I read Jesus saying that it was for us sinners that he came. Some of the most tender moments in all the Gospels are the stories of his dealings with sinners. Never once did he condemn common sinners. Indeed he reserved his scorn for those who considered themselves righteous and law-abiding."
And in conclusion he said, "Our God is a God of love, of forgiveness, of mercy. Our God...is the God of the Scriptures; this is the God that Jesus described to us. This is the God I've come to know these many latter years. This is the God who will welcome all us prodigal children back home soon."
Am I missing some important theological error here? What do you think?
Go to this link if you would like to read more of his book. There, you can also order the book if you would like to buy it. I think it costs anywhere from $19.95 to about $26.00 - plus tax, shipping and handling you know.
As I said in my blog on September 23rd., I would share some of the book with you as I travel through it, so here is something I'd like to share. Actually, I thought about posting this on Careplace, an internet site where people with health problems meet and support one another, but I thought it might be helpful if I could get some insight from some of you. Ed Madden was not a protestant, evangelical pentecostal, as far a I know, so I am really surprised to hear him talk as well about the love of God as he does. I would love to hear from you, and those of you who have some theological knowledge of the subject, your comment would be most appreciated.
"I went to Catholic grade school and high school and learned to fear God. I came to know a God who was always watching me, who knew my innermost thoughts even before I did and who would have no hesitation about punishing me for the least transgression of his innumerable laws, or even more importantly, the rules of the church."
Ed Madden goes on to tell us how he saw God some years later. He said, "I learned of a God who loved, and like any lover, was always ready to forgive. I studied a Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ, who taught mercy, compassion, and above all, love....
"Those of us with terminal illnesses know that in a longer or shorter period we will be face to face with our God. I am not afraid. Jesus taught us to call God "Father." .... Who loves more than a parent loves a child? Should I believe that my love for my daughter, which I consider boundless, is greater than God's love for me? If so, I would be a better parent than God.
"No, my acceptance by God will depend not so much on how good or bad I've been here, but on how much he loves me. He loves me not because I am so loveable but because he is so loving. My sinfulness cannot discourage me when I read Jesus saying that it was for us sinners that he came. Some of the most tender moments in all the Gospels are the stories of his dealings with sinners. Never once did he condemn common sinners. Indeed he reserved his scorn for those who considered themselves righteous and law-abiding."
And in conclusion he said, "Our God is a God of love, of forgiveness, of mercy. Our God...is the God of the Scriptures; this is the God that Jesus described to us. This is the God I've come to know these many latter years. This is the God who will welcome all us prodigal children back home soon."
Am I missing some important theological error here? What do you think?
Go to this link if you would like to read more of his book. There, you can also order the book if you would like to buy it. I think it costs anywhere from $19.95 to about $26.00 - plus tax, shipping and handling you know.
Friday, September 28, 2007
More Weight Loss!
I'm still loosing weight. The last few days I have weighed in at 189 lbs. I think it's great that I am losing weight but Janis and momma are getting worried. Back in late January or early February when I started on a diet, and weighed about 250 lbs, I told Janis I would look older and people would say, "Oh, you're loosing too much weight," or "I think you've lost enough." Well, it's happening, and Janis is joining them. Now, we didn't know at that time that I would soon be on medication that would help with my diet (that's the way I look at it). I lost about 20 lbs. before medication and I've lost about 40 since beginning the medical treatment - a total of 60 lbs. since January.
I'm glad I'm loosing the weight but the medication has taken away that drive that's always demanding more food. I guess some would say that I have lost my appetite. I've gone from a size 44 waist to a size 38. Now, think about it. My closet was full of size 42s and a few 44s. I especially liked those pants with the additional few inches supplied by the stretchy waist band. Now, having a smaller waist, I go to the closet and pull out just about any pair of pants and they are too large. That means I've got to buy some new clothes. Well I did that and bought some 40s. Ah yes! That felt much better, but when the 40s began to be too large I decided to try 38s. Ah yes again! So now I have a few 38s and a few 40s and a lot of 42s. Who knows? Before my 23 more weeks of treatment is over, I may have to buy some 36s.
I can hear momma and Janis right now. "Oh no you're not. We're not going to let you lose any more weight. You are going to eat."
My reply is, "We'll see."
I am still overweight, so whats the big deal. Let me lose about 15 more lbs. and then I'll start eating some of those delicious, dripping with juice, Wendy's hamburgers, and frosties, and maybe even a few french fries. Oh, yeah! I know I could gain it all back when I'm off the medicine. Now, there's a scary thought. But by the help and grace of God, I'm not going to gain it back. You know when people gain back the weight they've lost, they always gain more. My prayer: "Oh Lord! Please help me to never gain too much weight again. Amen!"
I'm glad I'm loosing the weight but the medication has taken away that drive that's always demanding more food. I guess some would say that I have lost my appetite. I've gone from a size 44 waist to a size 38. Now, think about it. My closet was full of size 42s and a few 44s. I especially liked those pants with the additional few inches supplied by the stretchy waist band. Now, having a smaller waist, I go to the closet and pull out just about any pair of pants and they are too large. That means I've got to buy some new clothes. Well I did that and bought some 40s. Ah yes! That felt much better, but when the 40s began to be too large I decided to try 38s. Ah yes again! So now I have a few 38s and a few 40s and a lot of 42s. Who knows? Before my 23 more weeks of treatment is over, I may have to buy some 36s.
I can hear momma and Janis right now. "Oh no you're not. We're not going to let you lose any more weight. You are going to eat."
My reply is, "We'll see."
I am still overweight, so whats the big deal. Let me lose about 15 more lbs. and then I'll start eating some of those delicious, dripping with juice, Wendy's hamburgers, and frosties, and maybe even a few french fries. Oh, yeah! I know I could gain it all back when I'm off the medicine. Now, there's a scary thought. But by the help and grace of God, I'm not going to gain it back. You know when people gain back the weight they've lost, they always gain more. My prayer: "Oh Lord! Please help me to never gain too much weight again. Amen!"
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Carpe Diem
I’ve just picked up a book entitled Carpe Diem – Making the Most of Every Day with a Serious Illness by Ed Madden, published and copyrighted by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. in 1993. Ed Madden was a newspaper columnist for ‘The Reporter’, ‘The Dorchester Reporter’ I think. I’ve only read the Preface, the Acknowledgements and the first of His 53 entries, each about one and a half pages long, but it has inspired me to share a portion of it with you as I read. Here are some highlights of his first entry entitled “The Journey Begins”.
“I have just entered upon a new adventure, the most exciting, challenging, spirited experience of all my 53 years. I’ve discovered I have cancer.
“Of course, had I been given the choice…the ailment would most definitely not have won out. But, as in so many of the other wonderful things that have happened to me – my birth, choice of parents and siblings, my rearing in Boston, my schooling, my magnificent body and looks, the choice was not mine.
“I can hate it, fume against it, pout and sulk, but that hurts only me. Or I can put it in its place and go on about my business, and that’s what I intend to do.
“But just as Ireland engaged Italy in the recent quarter-finals of the World Soccer cup, knowing the outcome in advance, I will enter my game with gusto and play with all my heart. I’ll use the best resources that medical science has to offer me, but I have something even better – my own will and desire and spirit….
“Of course, I will be the winner too. It will be through the agency of this cancer that I will pass over the River Jordan to the Elysian Fields, where the peace and happiness never end.
“I decided to go public with my illness…to assist others to whom the revelation of their cancers or other terminal illnesses has been devastating. It always helps to know that we have companions on a journey.
“Horatius Flaccus, the Roman poet whom we know familiarly as Horace, said it well: Carpe diem.”
Now, if you are reading this, you apparently have access to the www, so do a google search on Carpe diem and see what the wikipedia definition is. For those of you who cannot do that right now, lest you forget, I’ll do it for you. “Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace (Odes 1.11). It is popularly translated as seize the day, although a more literal translation of "carpe" would be "pluck" (pluck the day), as in the picking or plucking of fruit.”
Seize the day!
“I have just entered upon a new adventure, the most exciting, challenging, spirited experience of all my 53 years. I’ve discovered I have cancer.
“Of course, had I been given the choice…the ailment would most definitely not have won out. But, as in so many of the other wonderful things that have happened to me – my birth, choice of parents and siblings, my rearing in Boston, my schooling, my magnificent body and looks, the choice was not mine.
“I can hate it, fume against it, pout and sulk, but that hurts only me. Or I can put it in its place and go on about my business, and that’s what I intend to do.
“But just as Ireland engaged Italy in the recent quarter-finals of the World Soccer cup, knowing the outcome in advance, I will enter my game with gusto and play with all my heart. I’ll use the best resources that medical science has to offer me, but I have something even better – my own will and desire and spirit….
“Of course, I will be the winner too. It will be through the agency of this cancer that I will pass over the River Jordan to the Elysian Fields, where the peace and happiness never end.
“I decided to go public with my illness…to assist others to whom the revelation of their cancers or other terminal illnesses has been devastating. It always helps to know that we have companions on a journey.
“Horatius Flaccus, the Roman poet whom we know familiarly as Horace, said it well: Carpe diem.”
Now, if you are reading this, you apparently have access to the www, so do a google search on Carpe diem and see what the wikipedia definition is. For those of you who cannot do that right now, lest you forget, I’ll do it for you. “Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace (Odes 1.11). It is popularly translated as seize the day, although a more literal translation of "carpe" would be "pluck" (pluck the day), as in the picking or plucking of fruit.”
Seize the day!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Some More Good Songs
Please Come Down To Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybv_z4_6pi4
The Reason That I'm Standing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6inf3Z1R-I
Through The Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP4OvUU-ZHU
He Came Looking For Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=advyy6JOuBw
Still Holding On http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA3vFs0VgD4
If We Are The Body http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4wojcSO9Ww
Does Anybody Hear Her? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIim2Hvz0sE
Praise You In This Storm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji2rLXr3cEU
Voice Of Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hVeZJA8rJ4
Set Me Free http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aJ1sLokTNs
Please Come Down To Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybv_z4_6pi4
The Reason That I'm Standing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6inf3Z1R-I
Through The Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP4OvUU-ZHU
He Came Looking For Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=advyy6JOuBw
Still Holding On http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA3vFs0VgD4
If We Are The Body http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4wojcSO9Ww
Does Anybody Hear Her? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIim2Hvz0sE
Praise You In This Storm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji2rLXr3cEU
Voice Of Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hVeZJA8rJ4
Set Me Free http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aJ1sLokTNs
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Health Progress and My Honey-Do Progress
It's been ten days since I have posted a blog! Shame on me! But I have been moving right along. Some 'up' days and some 'down' days. I have just finished week number 24 of my 48 week journey. At my next doctor visit, I will give a little more blood for the test that will determine the viral load. If you remember, I started with a 7.2 million reading and after about 13 weeks it was down to 164,000. That's good, Yeah! I'm expecting to hear them tell me that the load is undetectable when I get the results from my next encounter with the blood needle. Hmmmmmmmmm! I will still have the remainder of the 48 week journey to complete, so I may still have some days that are not real good but what I've experienced thus far, I can cope with for 24 more weeks, if I just don't get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Just so you'll know that I am not an invalid, here are some pictures of what I have been doing. Those of you who remember the way it was will perhaps appreciate it more than others. Oh, and also, this is not really just so you can see that I'm doing good in my body, but it is also for the purpose of bragging I suppose. :o - lol




Just so you'll know that I am not an invalid, here are some pictures of what I have been doing. Those of you who remember the way it was will perhaps appreciate it more than others. Oh, and also, this is not really just so you can see that I'm doing good in my body, but it is also for the purpose of bragging I suppose. :o - lol
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I've added a new blogger!

Jennifer Baldridge is my youngest daughter. She lives and works in Sulphur, LA. She loves cajun food, as does her husband Bill, and I guess that's why she cleans teeth for a living. Her blog address is: http://toothsleuth.blogspot.com/.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Have you heard this one. It just let's you know how life is passing by, and everything that means so much to us now will soon be dirt.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Just Ramblin!
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, will be the beginning of week #23 for me of my medical therapy. That means only 25 more weeks to go. I'm almost half way through this ordeal. I've not been doing any work since Friday, so I have been doing pretty good. I plan to start back to my 'honey do' chores tomorrow. That may wear me out, but I can't just sit here and do nothing. Now, I'll admit that I sit at the computer a lot but as much as I enjoy it, I still get tired of it sometimes. I could go shopping all day at Wal-mart but that would definitely wear me out, plus, you gotta consider the money factor. :( I could visit people all day long, if they were at home, but even that becomes a chore. I think the best thing for me to do is just keep on doing little improvements here on my house, which will probably wear me out. I'll just work slow and rest often and take all the sympathy and attention that my wife offers. Now, I wouldn't take candy from a baby! Would I? ............ Nah!
I have been blessed today with the visit of my brother Fred, and his wife Frances, and my cousin from Florida, Junius, and his wife. They really love God and are wonderful people. We've never had the privilege of getting close to or relatives, so when we have the opportunity we do like to ensure ourselves that we have them. You know, that is the cost of choosing to get close to God. As we tried to get close to Him, He called and said, "Go Preach the Gospel"! So, in order to stay close to Him, we have to go where He says to go and be what He says to be. With my Dad and Mom that was also true. As a result, while I was very young, the Louis Brannen family left Florida to follow God's leading. It was always a highlight to go to Grandma's house for Christmas and occasionally in the summer also. Believe it or not, I did not know that there are so many Brannen's in this world, until I began to discover it on the WWW. I am not alone. The Brannen family is not alone. There are more of us out there. Ain't that something?!
I guess it was about time - Time to sell my boat that I have never moved out of my yard. I've had it about two years and it has not been out of my back yard, so I decided to sell it. I can use the money for something really important you know, like getting a new computer. :) It wasn't a new boat, nor was it a big boat, but I thought surely I would use it and go fishing now and then but I never did. My neighbour is all the time asking me if I am ready to go fishing and I am all the time never ready. I think that is a shame. Fishing is Biblical you know. Oh! and by the way, so is carpentry. I guess if I can't go fishing, I'll just enjoy doing my little bit of carpentry work.
I have been blessed today with the visit of my brother Fred, and his wife Frances, and my cousin from Florida, Junius, and his wife. They really love God and are wonderful people. We've never had the privilege of getting close to or relatives, so when we have the opportunity we do like to ensure ourselves that we have them. You know, that is the cost of choosing to get close to God. As we tried to get close to Him, He called and said, "Go Preach the Gospel"! So, in order to stay close to Him, we have to go where He says to go and be what He says to be. With my Dad and Mom that was also true. As a result, while I was very young, the Louis Brannen family left Florida to follow God's leading. It was always a highlight to go to Grandma's house for Christmas and occasionally in the summer also. Believe it or not, I did not know that there are so many Brannen's in this world, until I began to discover it on the WWW. I am not alone. The Brannen family is not alone. There are more of us out there. Ain't that something?!
I guess it was about time - Time to sell my boat that I have never moved out of my yard. I've had it about two years and it has not been out of my back yard, so I decided to sell it. I can use the money for something really important you know, like getting a new computer. :) It wasn't a new boat, nor was it a big boat, but I thought surely I would use it and go fishing now and then but I never did. My neighbour is all the time asking me if I am ready to go fishing and I am all the time never ready. I think that is a shame. Fishing is Biblical you know. Oh! and by the way, so is carpentry. I guess if I can't go fishing, I'll just enjoy doing my little bit of carpentry work.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Singing The Blues!
Some of you will remember that old song "You Got Me Singing The Blues!" Here are some of the lyrics: Well, I never felt more like singin' the blues 'cause I never thought that I'd ever loseYour love dear, why'd you do me this way? Well, I never felt more like cryin' all night'cause everythin's wrong, and nothin' ain't right Without you, you got me singin' the blues. The moon and stars no longer shine The dream is gone I thought was mine There's nothin' left for me to do But cry-y-y-y over you (cry over you) Well, I never felt more like runnin' away But why should I go 'cause I couldn't stay Without you, you got me singin' the blues. (-Artist: Guy Mitchell-the # 4 song of the 1955-1959 rock era-was # 1 for 10 weeks in 1956-Words and Music by Melvin Endsley-competing version by Marty Robbins hit # 17) That was along about the time when I was really enjoying that kind of music and I still remember it.
Right now, I want to sing that song to my medication. It's got me feeling kinda blue, but I don't feel much like singing. It had me nearly in tears earlier this afternoon. I tried to keep a straight face for Janis though. If she would have asked me how I felt at that time, I'd probably have broken out in a little crying session. I think it was yesterday, I picked her up from school and tried to tell her how I had felt that day and I couldn't. So far these "crying the blues" spells have not happened in a public place. Thank goodness. I mean a man ain't supposed to cry! Right! Well, that's what some think, but I believe it's good for the soul. Now, it has happened a few times in church but that's OK. People just think, "Oh, bless his heart! He's really getting a touch from God." You know something!? Even though the tears may be helped by the medication, I believe it still does a work on the inner man. I am learning something through all this and I hope I don't forget how to cry when I'm off medication.
Tuesday and Wednesday I felt 'rung out' most of the day. Wednesday night of course, I gave myself another shot. Today, Thursday, I have been pretty much worthless. Here's hoping that tomorrow I will feel more energetic. However, I do think I'll take it easy and not try to do any work on my house since I've reached a stopping place for now. It's crazy! For me to want to have another project that I can do on this house, is plain crazy. Something is happening to me. I feel lost if I don't have something to do. It's usually always been (in the last 10 years anyway) that I didn't want to do anything. All my time was taken by sermon preparation and church life. Man, what a change since I have resigned pastoring.
As I sit here and type this blog, thoughts keep coming to my mind about something that I need to add. I'll try to add, or clarify something and then something else pops into my mind. The little man inside my head says, "You need to tell them this, you need to tell them that, if you don't they won't understand what you're trying to say." Well, little man, just be quiet. I've got to bring this blog to a close and go to bed.
Don't fret for me. Just comment something like "I'm thinking of you," or "Just want to say Hi," or you could even wright something more if you want to. I understand that there are no.........Well! Little man, quit talking to me. I'm outta here.
Right now, I want to sing that song to my medication. It's got me feeling kinda blue, but I don't feel much like singing. It had me nearly in tears earlier this afternoon. I tried to keep a straight face for Janis though. If she would have asked me how I felt at that time, I'd probably have broken out in a little crying session. I think it was yesterday, I picked her up from school and tried to tell her how I had felt that day and I couldn't. So far these "crying the blues" spells have not happened in a public place. Thank goodness. I mean a man ain't supposed to cry! Right! Well, that's what some think, but I believe it's good for the soul. Now, it has happened a few times in church but that's OK. People just think, "Oh, bless his heart! He's really getting a touch from God." You know something!? Even though the tears may be helped by the medication, I believe it still does a work on the inner man. I am learning something through all this and I hope I don't forget how to cry when I'm off medication.
Tuesday and Wednesday I felt 'rung out' most of the day. Wednesday night of course, I gave myself another shot. Today, Thursday, I have been pretty much worthless. Here's hoping that tomorrow I will feel more energetic. However, I do think I'll take it easy and not try to do any work on my house since I've reached a stopping place for now. It's crazy! For me to want to have another project that I can do on this house, is plain crazy. Something is happening to me. I feel lost if I don't have something to do. It's usually always been (in the last 10 years anyway) that I didn't want to do anything. All my time was taken by sermon preparation and church life. Man, what a change since I have resigned pastoring.
As I sit here and type this blog, thoughts keep coming to my mind about something that I need to add. I'll try to add, or clarify something and then something else pops into my mind. The little man inside my head says, "You need to tell them this, you need to tell them that, if you don't they won't understand what you're trying to say." Well, little man, just be quiet. I've got to bring this blog to a close and go to bed.
Don't fret for me. Just comment something like "I'm thinking of you," or "Just want to say Hi," or you could even wright something more if you want to. I understand that there are no.........Well! Little man, quit talking to me. I'm outta here.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Check Out These Two New Bloggers
I have just added two new bloggers. Look down the right side of my page and find "Other Bloggers". The new additions to my blogspot are T. J. Oakley http://tjoakley4.blogspot.com and Ruthie Crockett http://fayvrit1.blogspot.com.
I'm Still Here!
I can't believe that it has been eleven days since my last post. How does time get away so quickly? I was too worried about my sister, 'travelin on', not posting anything for so long that I didn't realize that I myself am guilty of the same thing. Well, she 'recovered' and I guess I can stop worrying about her and pay attention to my own blog.
As usual, I am tired most of the time, and Thursdays are not my best days. Sometimes I think I am getting adjusted to the medication and can do better, but sometimes I am not so sure. Wednesday night Janis gave me a shot in my left arm. I can handle those that are in my thighs and stomach but those in my arm,.....well, I'm glad Janis can do it. That was shot number 21, leaving 27 to go. At number 24 (that is week 24) it will be time for another viral count or viral load reading. I believe that right now the viral load is undetectable. I'll let you know what I find out. Now, it may be four or five weeks actually before they take the lab work for that reading, but when I find out what it is, I'll let you know.
Right now, I am tired from doing that 'honey do' job in the kitchen. If you remember what my kitchen looked like, you need to see it now. Well, give me a few more days or so to finish up, then come and see it. For an amateur, it's not bad. Of course that opinion is from the very amateur who did the work. ha! Hey! But my wife likes it, and if she's happy..... I removed the entire oven unit. You know. The oven-in-the-wall thing that stood right in the middle of the kitchen. I pulled out the stove top and replaced it with a slide in stove (man those things are expensive), raised the vent-a-hood about six inches and built a counter behind the stove in the dinning room. Have I got you confused yet? Just come on over and see it when you can and if I'm not completely finished, it may be that you can tell me how to do it. You see - I told you I am an amateur at this kind of thing so I may need some advise. By the way. It's not my daddy's fault that I am not a better carpenter. Ya know what I mean?
Momma still has it in her ya'll. She just got back from Whynot, MS where she preached a revival for Ray Fulcher at the Water Valley Pentecostal Holiness Church. They had a good revival. She preached twice on Sunday and then through Wednesday. She said she preached kinda like the way she did when she was young and preached hard every night. My cousin-in-law, Ed Dickerson, is trying to get her to come and preach a revival for him at the Hudson Chapel Church of God just out of Union, MS. I think there are plans, tentively in the making, for the time when spring break comes. Ed's wife stella teaches and my wife Janis teaches. Ed & Stella want me and Janis to come with Momma at that time and be with them in the revival. That may happen, but I want you to know that when an 86 year old woman can still lay it on the line then surely a 64 year old man can do it. I'm not finished. I'm not washed up. I'm on a God given leave of absence and do expect to return to a useful state of being when God is finished with my healing.
I'll try to post again soon. Sooner next time than this time. Hopefully! May the Good Lord bleeeeessss and keep you, 'til we meeeeeet aaaaaahhhhgiiiiinnnn!
As usual, I am tired most of the time, and Thursdays are not my best days. Sometimes I think I am getting adjusted to the medication and can do better, but sometimes I am not so sure. Wednesday night Janis gave me a shot in my left arm. I can handle those that are in my thighs and stomach but those in my arm,.....well, I'm glad Janis can do it. That was shot number 21, leaving 27 to go. At number 24 (that is week 24) it will be time for another viral count or viral load reading. I believe that right now the viral load is undetectable. I'll let you know what I find out. Now, it may be four or five weeks actually before they take the lab work for that reading, but when I find out what it is, I'll let you know.
Right now, I am tired from doing that 'honey do' job in the kitchen. If you remember what my kitchen looked like, you need to see it now. Well, give me a few more days or so to finish up, then come and see it. For an amateur, it's not bad. Of course that opinion is from the very amateur who did the work. ha! Hey! But my wife likes it, and if she's happy..... I removed the entire oven unit. You know. The oven-in-the-wall thing that stood right in the middle of the kitchen. I pulled out the stove top and replaced it with a slide in stove (man those things are expensive), raised the vent-a-hood about six inches and built a counter behind the stove in the dinning room. Have I got you confused yet? Just come on over and see it when you can and if I'm not completely finished, it may be that you can tell me how to do it. You see - I told you I am an amateur at this kind of thing so I may need some advise. By the way. It's not my daddy's fault that I am not a better carpenter. Ya know what I mean?
Momma still has it in her ya'll. She just got back from Whynot, MS where she preached a revival for Ray Fulcher at the Water Valley Pentecostal Holiness Church. They had a good revival. She preached twice on Sunday and then through Wednesday. She said she preached kinda like the way she did when she was young and preached hard every night. My cousin-in-law, Ed Dickerson, is trying to get her to come and preach a revival for him at the Hudson Chapel Church of God just out of Union, MS. I think there are plans, tentively in the making, for the time when spring break comes. Ed's wife stella teaches and my wife Janis teaches. Ed & Stella want me and Janis to come with Momma at that time and be with them in the revival. That may happen, but I want you to know that when an 86 year old woman can still lay it on the line then surely a 64 year old man can do it. I'm not finished. I'm not washed up. I'm on a God given leave of absence and do expect to return to a useful state of being when God is finished with my healing.
I'll try to post again soon. Sooner next time than this time. Hopefully! May the Good Lord bleeeeessss and keep you, 'til we meeeeeet aaaaaahhhhgiiiiinnnn!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Off The Top Of My Head! (Not talking about hair)
Sorry I haven't blogged lately. I've either been too busy or too fatigued to take the time to write something meaningful. But then, if you look at my other blogs, some of them may not have been very meaningful. So I guess that means I can just sit here without a predetermined thought in mind and just blog.
Let me tell you what's been going on. I've been trying to re-do (that's a word related to honey-do) my kitchen when I feel 'up to it' and that just makes me feel 'down and out' if I work very much. I've learned to just work until I'm tired, then rest. Then I go back at it and work a little more and then rest again. Also, I've learned that I do not have to do it all today, so I don't get in a hurry. As a matter of fact, sometimes I drag along so slow you could probably watch the dead lice fall off of me if there were any there. ha ha! Some weeks I have four or five pretty good days and some weeks its like a long drawn out sentence.
You know! I've always thought of myself as a perfectionist. If I did something, I wanted it done right. Not only right, but complete. And by the way, 'right' and 'perfect' are to be understood as "right as I see it" and "exactly my way". Sounds a little like pride and arrogance doesn't it? Well, that's what it is. It's perfect if I think it's perfect. It's right if I think it's right. So, as I was saying, I always wanted to do things my way and if they didn't go just right, I would quickly loose interest in it's completion. Unfortunately, that resulted in many unfinished projects. I said all that, to say this - I'm learning to do a little here and a little there, and a little here and a little there, and to keep on doing a little here and a little there and the next thing you know, I'll be near completion. Even if I have to stop and tear out some of my work and start over anew, If I just don't get overwhelmed with the thought of "hurry up and do it and do it right", the job will get done. So it turns out that I think I am doing more of this honey-do stuff, now while I am sick from this medication, than I did when I was supposed to be well. I do see a regrettable truth hidden here: Janis is going to put it together after a while, and realize how lazy I have been these past several years, and she will probably decide, after I'm finished with my treatments, that it's time for me to go back to real work. OOooooooooohhhh! Well, I can't ride this ship forever. Perhaps by that time, I will then feel like going back to work.
Oh! Here's something! I'm thinking about going back to school at Lee University. Yeah! Really! The University is offering a special program to seniors, over 60. Here's what I understand: I will have to pay a registration fee of $50.00 and by my books for the course. That's it financially. It covers the tuition for two classes (6hrs.) per semester. Let me say it this way: It will cost me $50.00 per semester to take 6 hrs. of college credit, and I must buy my books (those can be high). Now, is that not good? Or what? It also allows me to get a student I.D., attend classes and participate in the school functions just like any student. I can audit the class or take it for credit (same price). If you didn't read it in the Cleveland Daily Banner or the Bradley News paper, you may think I'm kidding, but just log on to http://www.leeuniversity.edu/ and check it out. It's called the Encore program. When I first read it, I got excited, and planned to go right away and see about signing up, then in a few days I was reminded how this treatment can take away ones excitement and cause them to possibly abort any new projects. Now, you know I don't want to do that. I think I may try to audit one course and see how it works out. After completion of my treatments, I should surely be able to "milk this cow dry".
Enough said today! I hope you all are doing great. Check back soon!
Let me tell you what's been going on. I've been trying to re-do (that's a word related to honey-do) my kitchen when I feel 'up to it' and that just makes me feel 'down and out' if I work very much. I've learned to just work until I'm tired, then rest. Then I go back at it and work a little more and then rest again. Also, I've learned that I do not have to do it all today, so I don't get in a hurry. As a matter of fact, sometimes I drag along so slow you could probably watch the dead lice fall off of me if there were any there. ha ha! Some weeks I have four or five pretty good days and some weeks its like a long drawn out sentence.
You know! I've always thought of myself as a perfectionist. If I did something, I wanted it done right. Not only right, but complete. And by the way, 'right' and 'perfect' are to be understood as "right as I see it" and "exactly my way". Sounds a little like pride and arrogance doesn't it? Well, that's what it is. It's perfect if I think it's perfect. It's right if I think it's right. So, as I was saying, I always wanted to do things my way and if they didn't go just right, I would quickly loose interest in it's completion. Unfortunately, that resulted in many unfinished projects. I said all that, to say this - I'm learning to do a little here and a little there, and a little here and a little there, and to keep on doing a little here and a little there and the next thing you know, I'll be near completion. Even if I have to stop and tear out some of my work and start over anew, If I just don't get overwhelmed with the thought of "hurry up and do it and do it right", the job will get done. So it turns out that I think I am doing more of this honey-do stuff, now while I am sick from this medication, than I did when I was supposed to be well. I do see a regrettable truth hidden here: Janis is going to put it together after a while, and realize how lazy I have been these past several years, and she will probably decide, after I'm finished with my treatments, that it's time for me to go back to real work. OOooooooooohhhh! Well, I can't ride this ship forever. Perhaps by that time, I will then feel like going back to work.
Oh! Here's something! I'm thinking about going back to school at Lee University. Yeah! Really! The University is offering a special program to seniors, over 60. Here's what I understand: I will have to pay a registration fee of $50.00 and by my books for the course. That's it financially. It covers the tuition for two classes (6hrs.) per semester. Let me say it this way: It will cost me $50.00 per semester to take 6 hrs. of college credit, and I must buy my books (those can be high). Now, is that not good? Or what? It also allows me to get a student I.D., attend classes and participate in the school functions just like any student. I can audit the class or take it for credit (same price). If you didn't read it in the Cleveland Daily Banner or the Bradley News paper, you may think I'm kidding, but just log on to http://www.leeuniversity.edu/ and check it out. It's called the Encore program. When I first read it, I got excited, and planned to go right away and see about signing up, then in a few days I was reminded how this treatment can take away ones excitement and cause them to possibly abort any new projects. Now, you know I don't want to do that. I think I may try to audit one course and see how it works out. After completion of my treatments, I should surely be able to "milk this cow dry".
Enough said today! I hope you all are doing great. Check back soon!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Be Encouraged!
Here is something that I just found stuffed away in a Bible of mine. I'm not sure if it was inspired from something the preacher said or if it was some other situation, but I believe I recently wrote it down as a sermon thought. I may never have the opportunity to preach it or even develop it so, here. Do what you will with it, but be encouraged!
Adults! Press on to greater accomplishments. You have not reached your peak until God says so. Be strong! Stand up! Be counted!
Senior Adults! It's not over until God says it's over. You have gained so much knowledge. You can be a blessing for those who have not yet been where you are. Believe in greater things for tomorrow!
Everyone! Stay ready - Jesus is coming soon.
Now here is an extra bonus! www.faithflashes.com/encouraged2.htm
I Want To Encourage You Today!
Young People! You can be anything God wants you to be. He wants you to do good and be blessed because He loves you.Adults! Press on to greater accomplishments. You have not reached your peak until God says so. Be strong! Stand up! Be counted!
Senior Adults! It's not over until God says it's over. You have gained so much knowledge. You can be a blessing for those who have not yet been where you are. Believe in greater things for tomorrow!
Everyone! Stay ready - Jesus is coming soon.
Now here is an extra bonus! www.faithflashes.com/encouraged2.htm
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Two More Bloggers
I've added two more bloggers to my blogroll.
1. Fred Brannen - My oldest brother, a missions representative to East and West Africa for the Church of God, and
2. Phil Hoover - A graduate of the Church of God Theological Seminary.
You may want to check them out.
1. Fred Brannen - My oldest brother, a missions representative to East and West Africa for the Church of God, and
2. Phil Hoover - A graduate of the Church of God Theological Seminary.
You may want to check them out.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
This Too Shall Pass!
Listen and be encouraged!
This is week 17. I have 31 more to go. This too shall pass.
This is week 17. I have 31 more to go. This too shall pass.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hair Today and Gone Tomorrow!
Well, it's been 16 weeks now since I started treatment. I was told of the possibility of hair loss but until now, I seem to have dodged that side effect. I would guess that I have lost about half of my hair since it started coming out in the shower about 8 weeks ago. I've always lost some hair from time to time when I showered, but it is getting down to serious business now. I have always had plenty hair. I mean it has always been thick. Now, my scalp is beginning to show through the hair. Looks like it may be another month, maybe two and I'll do what my son did. He shaved his head. He did it because he was going bald anyway and because of the style, but if I shave my head it will be because of the loss of hair.
My wife knows about hair loss. When she went through chemo-therapy for cancer she began to loose her hair after about one month of treatment. Then it was about 1 or 2 weeks when she had lost so much hair that we shaved her head. What a strong lady she was and is. Now, she has her hair back,...all she wants of it. I'm not complaining. Folks who don't know me would not realize that it's coming out. Right now I have enough to cover my head very well, but I'm afraid it will be gone tomorrow.
If I loose my hair, I will get it back...........won't I?
My wife knows about hair loss. When she went through chemo-therapy for cancer she began to loose her hair after about one month of treatment. Then it was about 1 or 2 weeks when she had lost so much hair that we shaved her head. What a strong lady she was and is. Now, she has her hair back,...all she wants of it. I'm not complaining. Folks who don't know me would not realize that it's coming out. Right now I have enough to cover my head very well, but I'm afraid it will be gone tomorrow.
If I loose my hair, I will get it back...........won't I?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Great Songs!
Here's a couple of songs that have really ministered to me lately:
These are also very good:
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Danger Of Becoming Too Professional!
First let me tell you that I feel like Ms. Trew, the nurse practicioner that I see, and Misty, who usually tries to take my blood for the labs, are two of the wonderful people in my life these days. They show so much concern and compassion. However, I am a little confused.
When I talked to the nurse about my viral load, which was down from 7.2 million to under 200,000, I was disappointed that she didn't express great joy and excitement about the results. When she told me the reading, I had to pause and calculate the numbers in my mind, and then she said very matter-of-factly, something like, "What we have is a viral load of......." It sounded to me like, "Well, we didn't knock it all out in the first 13 weeks. You still have this much viral load." I'm listening and wondering and thinking, "Well, isn't that good? The reading was to be less than about 700,000 and it was less than 200,000. Am I missing something here?"
I called 'Be In Charge' and got some support for my thoughts, that the doctors and nurses just do not want to influence our decision as to wheather or not we continue the treatment. If they show too much excitement and I choose to go on with the medication, and then it fails....., well, they may feel that they have put themselves in jeopardy.
Is there anything wrong about wanting the doctors personal opinion. He is well educated in the field and I am a dummy. He is a specialist. I'm a 'jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none". Besides, I'm paying the doctor a ton of money. Yes, it's the insurance that's paying, but if I buy a new car, I want some sound advice about that car. I have bought and paid for insurance. It doesn't belong to the doctor. It belongs to me. The insurance company is my advocate with the doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. Yeah, I know. Sometimes it is hard to get the insurance company to pay up for us, but when they do, we should get what we have bought. I got instruction on a lot of stuff and I got a prescription. I go to the doctor's office once a month to let the nurse see that I am still alive and to give more blood and then I pay my co-pay and the doctor bills the insurance company for the rest. I go to the druggest once a month for my refills and again pay the co-pay and the pharmacist bills the insurance company for the rest of the huge price of this medicine. I give myself the shots and I take the pills. I struggle with extreme fatigue, flu-like symptoms, emotional rollercoasters, itching, mental stupaficity (that's a new word I just now created), and my hair is getting thinner and thinner.
What I want is for that nurse and all the staff in the office to have a party and celebrate with me.
I guess that would not be very professional for them.
When I talked to the nurse about my viral load, which was down from 7.2 million to under 200,000, I was disappointed that she didn't express great joy and excitement about the results. When she told me the reading, I had to pause and calculate the numbers in my mind, and then she said very matter-of-factly, something like, "What we have is a viral load of......." It sounded to me like, "Well, we didn't knock it all out in the first 13 weeks. You still have this much viral load." I'm listening and wondering and thinking, "Well, isn't that good? The reading was to be less than about 700,000 and it was less than 200,000. Am I missing something here?"
I called 'Be In Charge' and got some support for my thoughts, that the doctors and nurses just do not want to influence our decision as to wheather or not we continue the treatment. If they show too much excitement and I choose to go on with the medication, and then it fails....., well, they may feel that they have put themselves in jeopardy.
Is there anything wrong about wanting the doctors personal opinion. He is well educated in the field and I am a dummy. He is a specialist. I'm a 'jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none". Besides, I'm paying the doctor a ton of money. Yes, it's the insurance that's paying, but if I buy a new car, I want some sound advice about that car. I have bought and paid for insurance. It doesn't belong to the doctor. It belongs to me. The insurance company is my advocate with the doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. Yeah, I know. Sometimes it is hard to get the insurance company to pay up for us, but when they do, we should get what we have bought. I got instruction on a lot of stuff and I got a prescription. I go to the doctor's office once a month to let the nurse see that I am still alive and to give more blood and then I pay my co-pay and the doctor bills the insurance company for the rest. I go to the druggest once a month for my refills and again pay the co-pay and the pharmacist bills the insurance company for the rest of the huge price of this medicine. I give myself the shots and I take the pills. I struggle with extreme fatigue, flu-like symptoms, emotional rollercoasters, itching, mental stupaficity (that's a new word I just now created), and my hair is getting thinner and thinner.
What I want is for that nurse and all the staff in the office to have a party and celebrate with me.
I guess that would not be very professional for them.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
If This Is Too Risque.....

Speaking of Proofs of the existence of God, does this count? I just couldn't resist the temptation to post this. Oh my goodness! What's wrong with me, posting something like this on my blog? I do not drink anykind of alcoholic beaverages and do not encourage you to do so either. This may be too risque, but I'm going to blame it on the medecine that I am taking. You know it has all kinds of side effects.
Moving on....... Maybe this website is not quite as risque: http://www.johnettenapolitano.com/. I'm still trying to decide if her music is OK. What do you think?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Good News! It's Good To Be Home
We have just returned from our 7 day trip to Louisiana. We had a good visit with family and friends and I did very well. I did have to leave the group once and find a place to rest for a while but overall I did great. That's just what I want them all to think and it is true - I did very good.
We stayed with my Mother-In-Law, so you know Janis was having a wonderful time. I tried to be good and do right, of course. :) Seriously, my Mother-in-law and I have a good relationship and we did have a good time, but, 'There's No Place Like Home.'
On our return trip, we stopped in Union, MS to visit with Ed and Stella Dickerson. She is Janis' cousin. Ed is the pastor of Hudson Chapel Church of God. We arrived at their house just about dinner time. She had a wonderful meal prepared and we enjoyed our visit. They are really wonderful people. I wish you could see the house that Ed built. Truly a blessing from God.
Here's some good news that I want to share with you: While in Louisiana, I called back to the doctor's office to find out the results of my last lab work and especially my viral load, or count. It needed to be 700,000 or less (a two log drop from the original 7.2 million), or else I would probably not continue the treatment. Well, the count was 194,000.....or was it 154,000? I know it's a shame that I do not remember exactly which of those numbers the nurse said, but it was under 200,000 and that is well within the acceptable range. That looks really good to me, so I will continue treatments. The dragon is about to fall by the wayside, but I will continue to strike at it with my sword (the redipen).
By the way! I told you that God was doing a healing in my body. He still is doing it. I wonder what that viral count might be right now? Possibly, so low that it would be undetectable! But for now, I believe that I am supposed to continue the treatments. Thanks for your prayers.
We stayed with my Mother-In-Law, so you know Janis was having a wonderful time. I tried to be good and do right, of course. :) Seriously, my Mother-in-law and I have a good relationship and we did have a good time, but, 'There's No Place Like Home.'
On our return trip, we stopped in Union, MS to visit with Ed and Stella Dickerson. She is Janis' cousin. Ed is the pastor of Hudson Chapel Church of God. We arrived at their house just about dinner time. She had a wonderful meal prepared and we enjoyed our visit. They are really wonderful people. I wish you could see the house that Ed built. Truly a blessing from God.
Here's some good news that I want to share with you: While in Louisiana, I called back to the doctor's office to find out the results of my last lab work and especially my viral load, or count. It needed to be 700,000 or less (a two log drop from the original 7.2 million), or else I would probably not continue the treatment. Well, the count was 194,000.....or was it 154,000? I know it's a shame that I do not remember exactly which of those numbers the nurse said, but it was under 200,000 and that is well within the acceptable range. That looks really good to me, so I will continue treatments. The dragon is about to fall by the wayside, but I will continue to strike at it with my sword (the redipen).
By the way! I told you that God was doing a healing in my body. He still is doing it. I wonder what that viral count might be right now? Possibly, so low that it would be undetectable! But for now, I believe that I am supposed to continue the treatments. Thanks for your prayers.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
What Does Tomorrow Hold?
If I knew the answer to that question, I suppose I might would be a prophet. Since I don't know, I will just try to be prepared for it and whatever it holds.
Today is July 4th., so Happy July 4th. to everyone! Tomorrow will be the visit to the doctor's office that will mark a milestone in my hep-c journey. This is the time when the lab work will be done that will determine if I continue the tx or not. I guess it may take a few days for the lab work to be done and then for me to be informed of the results, but when I know the outcome, I will share it with you. I plan to leave for Louisiana Saturday and return the following Friday, so it may be a week or so before I can get to my computer again to let you know.
On my last entry I was feeling pretty good, then not so good, then better and now OK, but I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me. Tonight, I have already taken my 14th. shot. That may change my feelings by tomorrow. Who knows. Sometimes it is not predictable what the outcome will be, so I will just trust God. I am being healed right now, and in the name of Jesus, the viral count is going down and is probably already gone. Amen! and Amen!
Here's the words to a song I have sung a few times:
I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from it's sunshine, For it's skies may turn to gray. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said, And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.
I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty; But the One Who feeds the sparrow, Is the One Who stands by me. And the path that be my portion, May be through the flame or flood, But His presence goes before me, And I'm covered with His blood.
Refrain: Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand.
Here's wondering what tomorrow holds!
May God's grace be with you all.
Today is July 4th., so Happy July 4th. to everyone! Tomorrow will be the visit to the doctor's office that will mark a milestone in my hep-c journey. This is the time when the lab work will be done that will determine if I continue the tx or not. I guess it may take a few days for the lab work to be done and then for me to be informed of the results, but when I know the outcome, I will share it with you. I plan to leave for Louisiana Saturday and return the following Friday, so it may be a week or so before I can get to my computer again to let you know.
On my last entry I was feeling pretty good, then not so good, then better and now OK, but I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me. Tonight, I have already taken my 14th. shot. That may change my feelings by tomorrow. Who knows. Sometimes it is not predictable what the outcome will be, so I will just trust God. I am being healed right now, and in the name of Jesus, the viral count is going down and is probably already gone. Amen! and Amen!
Here's the words to a song I have sung a few times:
I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from it's sunshine, For it's skies may turn to gray. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said, And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.
I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty; But the One Who feeds the sparrow, Is the One Who stands by me. And the path that be my portion, May be through the flame or flood, But His presence goes before me, And I'm covered with His blood.
Refrain: Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know Who holds tomorrow, And I know Who holds my hand.
Here's wondering what tomorrow holds!
May God's grace be with you all.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
It's About Time
I guess somebody may be wondering when I am going to post again. How about right now? I really haven't felt too much like posting lately, but right now I feel like I am ready. Wow! If these fatigued feelings keep getting worse and worse, I may have to let Janis be my hard working assistant, my chauffeur, my nurse, my thinker and anything else you can think of. It's about time she began to earn her living, wouldn't you say? (lol) You know I'm kidding! But, truthfully, it's really not a good feeling to feel so fatigued.
By the way. My title to this post is not referring to that statement - "It's about time she began to earn her living....". Honestly, when I titled this post, I was thinking, "It's about time for me to begin to feel better and have a few good days," but that just worked out so well it makes you wonder if God might be in this blog trying to tell somebody something! (lol, lol) Really I feel better today than I have since my last shot Wednesday night. Thursday was not good at all, Friday was better and Saturday started out OK, but as the day wore on, I wore out. Now, today is Sunday and comparatively speaking, I feel great.
Keep me in your prayers concerning my next doctor visit on July 5th. They will do the lab work that will determine if this treatment is doing what they want it to do. I may have to wait a few days after the lab work to find out the results but I'll let you know as soon as I can after I find out myself. It actually may be a week or so later before I can get back to this computer and tell you the results because Janis and I are planning to go to Hebert, LA. on the 6th. and we may not return until the 13th. Unfortunately, that probably means that I won't know the results while I am in LA, unless, I call the doctor's office and get that info from them. We'll see.
I haven't really been trying so hard to loose weight lately, but this morning when I weighed, I was between 203 and 204 lbs. For the past three or four weeks I've been hanging around 205 and 206 so, I guess I could say that I've lost maybe 2 lbs. Again, In January, I was about 250 lbs. You know that I feel better in my body in a lot of ways. My clothes fit..., err..., well..., they are now too big. I still feel better because of the weight loss. I'm still planning on finishing up with this medication and start getting my strength back. I will be like a new man. Somebody say, "AMEN!" I said something about that to Janis this morning on the way to church and she said, "You're gonna be like Mr. Skinny," and I said, "No. I'm gonna be like Mr. Atlas." (How many "lol's" should I put for that?) Some of you younger folks may think that what I meant was 'I would be a world traveler using the atlas to get everwhere' but those of you who are more near my age will know I meant 'Charles Atlas'. Let the young folks figure that out. They have their computer.
You can see that I am feeling more back to myself today. 'More back!' What does that mean? It sounds perfectly good to me. In south Louisiana it sounds alright. I think it's kinda like 'more better'. That's a common use of terms in south Louisiana. You know. "Dat guy, he look sharp. I believe he could do a moe betta job dan dat udder won." That's right. I feel 'more better' today than I did yesterday. So now you understand, I feel 'more back' to myself today. Well, I'll try to post again before I leave for LA, but if something gets in my way, I'll be back here when I get back.
P.S. God is doing a healing in my body right now. In the name of Jesus, the viral count is going down and is probably already gone! Thanks be unto God!
By the way. My title to this post is not referring to that statement - "It's about time she began to earn her living....". Honestly, when I titled this post, I was thinking, "It's about time for me to begin to feel better and have a few good days," but that just worked out so well it makes you wonder if God might be in this blog trying to tell somebody something! (lol, lol) Really I feel better today than I have since my last shot Wednesday night. Thursday was not good at all, Friday was better and Saturday started out OK, but as the day wore on, I wore out. Now, today is Sunday and comparatively speaking, I feel great.
Keep me in your prayers concerning my next doctor visit on July 5th. They will do the lab work that will determine if this treatment is doing what they want it to do. I may have to wait a few days after the lab work to find out the results but I'll let you know as soon as I can after I find out myself. It actually may be a week or so later before I can get back to this computer and tell you the results because Janis and I are planning to go to Hebert, LA. on the 6th. and we may not return until the 13th. Unfortunately, that probably means that I won't know the results while I am in LA, unless, I call the doctor's office and get that info from them. We'll see.
I haven't really been trying so hard to loose weight lately, but this morning when I weighed, I was between 203 and 204 lbs. For the past three or four weeks I've been hanging around 205 and 206 so, I guess I could say that I've lost maybe 2 lbs. Again, In January, I was about 250 lbs. You know that I feel better in my body in a lot of ways. My clothes fit..., err..., well..., they are now too big. I still feel better because of the weight loss. I'm still planning on finishing up with this medication and start getting my strength back. I will be like a new man. Somebody say, "AMEN!" I said something about that to Janis this morning on the way to church and she said, "You're gonna be like Mr. Skinny," and I said, "No. I'm gonna be like Mr. Atlas." (How many "lol's" should I put for that?) Some of you younger folks may think that what I meant was 'I would be a world traveler using the atlas to get everwhere' but those of you who are more near my age will know I meant 'Charles Atlas'. Let the young folks figure that out. They have their computer.
You can see that I am feeling more back to myself today. 'More back!' What does that mean? It sounds perfectly good to me. In south Louisiana it sounds alright. I think it's kinda like 'more better'. That's a common use of terms in south Louisiana. You know. "Dat guy, he look sharp. I believe he could do a moe betta job dan dat udder won." That's right. I feel 'more better' today than I did yesterday. So now you understand, I feel 'more back' to myself today. Well, I'll try to post again before I leave for LA, but if something gets in my way, I'll be back here when I get back.
P.S. God is doing a healing in my body right now. In the name of Jesus, the viral count is going down and is probably already gone! Thanks be unto God!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Dragon!

I found this picture in CarePlace. This is a picture of the hepatitis-c virus inside the cell. Can you believe that such a squirmy little squirt could be called 'the dragon'?
Monday, June 25, 2007
It wasn't Pastor Maloney who said that Wayne Chelette had cancer. It was Bro. Barnett, and what he said was that he had full blown cancer of the liver. It doesn't matter who said it, Bro. Chelette needs our prayers.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I'm Better Now!
If you read my last blog, you know that I was not feeling so great, but I am better now. Actually, I was better Friday and Saturday, but I didn't take the time to enter another blog. This morning, Sunday, I was rather fatigued and a little wet around the eyes. All during the Sunday School class I felt like I was just sitting there. Almost in another world. The thought occurred to me that I might should tell our teacher, Marcus Hand, that I was sorry if I seemed to be so dull and not with it. You know, sort of an apology for looking sleepy, but I decided against it.
During church I tried to enter into the spirit of the service. I believe that I need church and the preached Word, whether I get all of it or not. Just sitting there will subject me to a touch of the hand of God. So, I didn't get very emotional during the worship service. I can tell you that for sure. But the pastor called for prayer and invited whoever to come to the alter and the prayer team would pray for them. In the past, I have felt like I was not supposed to go up for prayer, but this time I felt different. 'So down the isle I went'. I was prayed for. My eyes got all wet. I dried my eyes and went back to my seat. On the way back to my seat, I passed right by Bro. Hand. He was sitting next to the isle, about 3/4 of the way back. As I neared him, he stuck his hand out and hugged my neck and prayed for me. I told him that the old devil had taken all my strength but I was going to get it back. Really, I have felt better from that time on through this day.
I need those of you who believe in the power of prayer, if you will, be praying for me these next two weeks. July 5th. is my next appointment with the doctor and, of course, they will take a specimen of my blood for the lab. At this time, a reading of my viral count will be done and that will determine if the treatment is working satisfactorily or not. If it is not, then I will be taken off the medicine and I'll just live everyday by faith. Now, isn't that the way the 'just' are supposed to live? By faith! However, if the treatment is working and killing the virus sufficiently, then I must go on with the treatment for about 34 more weeks. I have decided that I should proclaim every day from now to July 5th. that "God is healing me and the viral count is coming down." Amen!!
A bit of sad news. Prayer request was made today by our pastor for Wayne Chellette. Pastor said that he was in some advanced stage of liver cancer. That just gripped me on the inside. Without God, that could be my fate. If you know him, you know that he is a good man. He has been preaching for over 50 years. Why do bad things happen to good people? I have preached a message myself using that question as the title. I think we know why. Bad things happen not only to good people, but to bad people also. But good people seem to have greater faith and hope during bad times and, in my opinion, they come out better off than bad people.
I know that if this blog is too long, you may not read it all. I understand. But you know how a preacher is - he can't preach for 20 minuets and stop and let the people go home and come back for more. No! We try to preach until we run out of material and that usually took me about 45 minuets. I tried to think in terms of 30 minuets, but, well, here I go. On and on. I've got to stop.
During church I tried to enter into the spirit of the service. I believe that I need church and the preached Word, whether I get all of it or not. Just sitting there will subject me to a touch of the hand of God. So, I didn't get very emotional during the worship service. I can tell you that for sure. But the pastor called for prayer and invited whoever to come to the alter and the prayer team would pray for them. In the past, I have felt like I was not supposed to go up for prayer, but this time I felt different. 'So down the isle I went'. I was prayed for. My eyes got all wet. I dried my eyes and went back to my seat. On the way back to my seat, I passed right by Bro. Hand. He was sitting next to the isle, about 3/4 of the way back. As I neared him, he stuck his hand out and hugged my neck and prayed for me. I told him that the old devil had taken all my strength but I was going to get it back. Really, I have felt better from that time on through this day.
I need those of you who believe in the power of prayer, if you will, be praying for me these next two weeks. July 5th. is my next appointment with the doctor and, of course, they will take a specimen of my blood for the lab. At this time, a reading of my viral count will be done and that will determine if the treatment is working satisfactorily or not. If it is not, then I will be taken off the medicine and I'll just live everyday by faith. Now, isn't that the way the 'just' are supposed to live? By faith! However, if the treatment is working and killing the virus sufficiently, then I must go on with the treatment for about 34 more weeks. I have decided that I should proclaim every day from now to July 5th. that "God is healing me and the viral count is coming down." Amen!!
A bit of sad news. Prayer request was made today by our pastor for Wayne Chellette. Pastor said that he was in some advanced stage of liver cancer. That just gripped me on the inside. Without God, that could be my fate. If you know him, you know that he is a good man. He has been preaching for over 50 years. Why do bad things happen to good people? I have preached a message myself using that question as the title. I think we know why. Bad things happen not only to good people, but to bad people also. But good people seem to have greater faith and hope during bad times and, in my opinion, they come out better off than bad people.
I know that if this blog is too long, you may not read it all. I understand. But you know how a preacher is - he can't preach for 20 minuets and stop and let the people go home and come back for more. No! We try to preach until we run out of material and that usually took me about 45 minuets. I tried to think in terms of 30 minuets, but, well, here I go. On and on. I've got to stop.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
No. 12. Ouch!!
Last night was shot number 12. I knew when I arose this AM that I was beginning to feel the shot. Got a bath, fixed breakfast and got ready for the 9:30 AM Bible Study Class and 10:45 AM morning service. As the morning progressed I began to feel the fatiguing effects of the shot more and more. Went to church, and to the Chinese Buffet for dinner. I used to love to go to any Chinese restaurant but you know, this time I really didn't enjoy it. The food just didn't have the taste that it used to have. I know! It was the medicine working on me. When we got home, I went straight to bed. Slept for about two hours. Now, here I am, just a slight bit headachey feeling like my energy is still falling out through the pours of my skin. Owwh, I feel lousy!
As much as I love doing this blogging, I'm going to cut it short today. I just want to get an entry in on my blogspot. I'll return when I get a little more energy.
For those of you who have been praying for me, "Thank You so much!" Just keep it up. If you would, just ask God to help all my 'hepper' friends. I've meet several on the Internet and some of them are having a tougher time than I am and some of them do not have a lot of support. Pray that God will allow me to say something encouraging to them.
Again, thanks. And God bless you!
As much as I love doing this blogging, I'm going to cut it short today. I just want to get an entry in on my blogspot. I'll return when I get a little more energy.
For those of you who have been praying for me, "Thank You so much!" Just keep it up. If you would, just ask God to help all my 'hepper' friends. I've meet several on the Internet and some of them are having a tougher time than I am and some of them do not have a lot of support. Pray that God will allow me to say something encouraging to them.
Again, thanks. And God bless you!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Campmeeting Days Are Here Again!
Monday night was the opening night of the Tennessee State campmeeting for the Church of God. Dr. Tim Hill, the Second Assistant Overseer of the denomination preached powerfully. Each morning at 9:30 AM we have Bible Study, and after the morning break we hear from a selected minister. The afternoon is free and then at 7:00 PM we are at it again with more good preaching by Bryan Cutshall.
Campmeeting today is not like what I remember and is not like what I have heard so much about from my Mother and Dad and my Grandmother. All were ministers. I actually remember 'camping' on the campgrounds for the campmeeting. Sometimes I become weary from hearing about how things are not like they used to be, so I'll try not to complain to my decedents about it. I know things are changing. It is inevitable. Thank God for change. I prefer padded pews to wooden benches; brick walls to wood lap-siding; automated heating and cooling systems to wood or coal burning stoves and funeral parlor fans; carpet to rough wood or cement floors; all of these modern facilities to those old, inconvenient and inadequate ones.
It seems fairly easy to accept cultural differences when we think about those who worship in another country, but it is more difficult for some of us old-timers to accept the cultural changes that are taking place in our own locale. It is happening. Our parents thought we were 'going to the dogs', so to speak. Now, we look at this new generation coming up and we think, "Oh, God! What has happened? Where did we fail? Our church is going down the road to destruction!" In those old campmeeting days, the preaching was different. The music was different. The program was different. And yes, the culture was different. These people of today are not just like those of yesterday. I must allow for this new culture to be captivated by the power of the Holy Spirit and let God do what He will with them. I have a feeling that God is big enough to preserve whatever He wants to preserve and to eradicate whatever He wants to eradicate. To my peers I say, "Let go! Turn loose! Quit holding this culture back from God. God is in control. It is His church, not ours. He promised that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' - His church, not our church." I am confident that He knows what He is doing and He is doing it right.
But I do miss those "good-ole-days". There are a lot of us old-timers alive and well. We could make up quite a number if you got us all together. Now, whoever is in charge will probably, and understandably, do it their way - as God allows them to. If you're talking about a church full of seniors, there will probably be some hymn book singing and KJV Bible reading, and some "Haah!" anointed preaching. Do you know what I mean? But, if it is a church full of young people like my sons and daughters, they will do it differently. Bear with me just a moment now. We older folks could just eliminate every position for young people and require them to just sit and listen, and that might solve the problem for some folks. On the other hand, the youth could just ignore the older ones of us, and do what they please while we grasp for anything to help us survive. What a problem! The solution must be in different ministries to all the different cultures in the church. OK! We will let the youth play their worship music and we will pick-and-grin while we use the old red back hymnal. But when and where with each one? I'm telling you, pastoring is not easy, but it can be done.
I see some great, exciting leaders emerging in this generation. I believe we can expect some good ole "campmeeting" days ahead. They will probably not be referred to as "campmeeting days", but call it anything you like, just let God be in control.
Campmeeting today is not like what I remember and is not like what I have heard so much about from my Mother and Dad and my Grandmother. All were ministers. I actually remember 'camping' on the campgrounds for the campmeeting. Sometimes I become weary from hearing about how things are not like they used to be, so I'll try not to complain to my decedents about it. I know things are changing. It is inevitable. Thank God for change. I prefer padded pews to wooden benches; brick walls to wood lap-siding; automated heating and cooling systems to wood or coal burning stoves and funeral parlor fans; carpet to rough wood or cement floors; all of these modern facilities to those old, inconvenient and inadequate ones.
It seems fairly easy to accept cultural differences when we think about those who worship in another country, but it is more difficult for some of us old-timers to accept the cultural changes that are taking place in our own locale. It is happening. Our parents thought we were 'going to the dogs', so to speak. Now, we look at this new generation coming up and we think, "Oh, God! What has happened? Where did we fail? Our church is going down the road to destruction!" In those old campmeeting days, the preaching was different. The music was different. The program was different. And yes, the culture was different. These people of today are not just like those of yesterday. I must allow for this new culture to be captivated by the power of the Holy Spirit and let God do what He will with them. I have a feeling that God is big enough to preserve whatever He wants to preserve and to eradicate whatever He wants to eradicate. To my peers I say, "Let go! Turn loose! Quit holding this culture back from God. God is in control. It is His church, not ours. He promised that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' - His church, not our church." I am confident that He knows what He is doing and He is doing it right.
But I do miss those "good-ole-days". There are a lot of us old-timers alive and well. We could make up quite a number if you got us all together. Now, whoever is in charge will probably, and understandably, do it their way - as God allows them to. If you're talking about a church full of seniors, there will probably be some hymn book singing and KJV Bible reading, and some "Haah!" anointed preaching. Do you know what I mean? But, if it is a church full of young people like my sons and daughters, they will do it differently. Bear with me just a moment now. We older folks could just eliminate every position for young people and require them to just sit and listen, and that might solve the problem for some folks. On the other hand, the youth could just ignore the older ones of us, and do what they please while we grasp for anything to help us survive. What a problem! The solution must be in different ministries to all the different cultures in the church. OK! We will let the youth play their worship music and we will pick-and-grin while we use the old red back hymnal. But when and where with each one? I'm telling you, pastoring is not easy, but it can be done.
I see some great, exciting leaders emerging in this generation. I believe we can expect some good ole "campmeeting" days ahead. They will probably not be referred to as "campmeeting days", but call it anything you like, just let God be in control.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sibil! This is For You!
I just received a comment from Sibil on my blog entitled, "My First Entry". I'm not sure how to email a message to her, so if my attempt to do so did not work and, if you're reading this, Sibil, this one is for you!
Even though you are scared, and I think all of us heppers are to some degree, you still seem to have the right attitude about this unknown journey. That is so important. I have read some comments at http://www.careplace.com/ and a few other comments from 'I don't remember where', and it seems that so many are bitter and negative about the situation, and some seemed justifiably so. I can only thank God that I have not, and you have not, gotten to that place. If you have read some of my blogs, perhaps you know that I believe in and trust in God and am confident that the Bible is the true Word of God. I believe the Bible, or God, gives us the right to be positive. I am not positive that I have hepatitis-c and am eventually going to die from it, nor am I positive that the treatment is going to deal me a severe blow, but I am positive that God has a plan for my life, and your life, and it is a good plan.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. - NAB
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. - NAB
Your faith in God is important, but you will probably need the support of your son and your brother and all of your friends whom you confide in, from time to time. I do hope your boss will understand and support you. As your learn more about this 'dragon', that's what heppers call this virus, you will see that you are not lazy. In your comment you said, "Been tired, work part-time, have to take...'"naps"', and just feeling blah. Figured it was my "'no routine'" routine." I can identify with that. I used to say that I was lazy, and I'll admit there were times when I believed that I was truly lazy, but so often I would say that just to laugh at the feeling of fatigue, caused by the 'dragon', that I lived with. I have found a few helpful sites that you may want to explore. Scroll down the right side of my blog site and you will see some links to "Web Sites For Your Health". Be sure to check out 'Be In Charge'. I have talked to them two or three times at length.
I would encourage you to continue to pray, get more involved in church, and read the Bible. It certainly won't hurt you. I believe it will help.
I have found that using these blog posts to report my progress has given me a lot of 'therapy'. Maybe something like this, or even just keeping a journal of your journey will help. I will pray for you and believe that God will do something good for you.
God Bless You!
Even though you are scared, and I think all of us heppers are to some degree, you still seem to have the right attitude about this unknown journey. That is so important. I have read some comments at http://www.careplace.com/ and a few other comments from 'I don't remember where', and it seems that so many are bitter and negative about the situation, and some seemed justifiably so. I can only thank God that I have not, and you have not, gotten to that place. If you have read some of my blogs, perhaps you know that I believe in and trust in God and am confident that the Bible is the true Word of God. I believe the Bible, or God, gives us the right to be positive. I am not positive that I have hepatitis-c and am eventually going to die from it, nor am I positive that the treatment is going to deal me a severe blow, but I am positive that God has a plan for my life, and your life, and it is a good plan.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope. - NAB
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. - NAB
Your faith in God is important, but you will probably need the support of your son and your brother and all of your friends whom you confide in, from time to time. I do hope your boss will understand and support you. As your learn more about this 'dragon', that's what heppers call this virus, you will see that you are not lazy. In your comment you said, "Been tired, work part-time, have to take...'"naps"', and just feeling blah. Figured it was my "'no routine'" routine." I can identify with that. I used to say that I was lazy, and I'll admit there were times when I believed that I was truly lazy, but so often I would say that just to laugh at the feeling of fatigue, caused by the 'dragon', that I lived with. I have found a few helpful sites that you may want to explore. Scroll down the right side of my blog site and you will see some links to "Web Sites For Your Health". Be sure to check out 'Be In Charge'. I have talked to them two or three times at length.
I would encourage you to continue to pray, get more involved in church, and read the Bible. It certainly won't hurt you. I believe it will help.
I have found that using these blog posts to report my progress has given me a lot of 'therapy'. Maybe something like this, or even just keeping a journal of your journey will help. I will pray for you and believe that God will do something good for you.
God Bless You!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Sword To Slay The Dragon!


This is a single redipen as it would be received from the druggist. The only difference between this and what I get is the quantity. I get four per week.

Here is a brief four-step plan of delivering the medication with the redipen. The solution is first mixed, then the needle is attached, the dosage is dialed and then of course, the medication is injected. Just thought this might interest somebody.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Theologically Incorrect, But Accepted!
In reference to a recent comment to my post entitled “I Don’t Want To Be Theologically Incorrect” and dated “Thursday, May 24, 2007”, I offer the following:
The theologian that I referred to was probably concerned with our faulty attempts to “prove” God. Our faulty attempts, i.e. our human reasoning, will never be adequate proof of the existence of God. As a matter of fact, human reasoning is not sufficient to bring a man into a personal relationship with God. It can introduce him to God, but the only thing that can bring a man to a relationship with God is “faith”. If we could “prove” the existence of God, where then, would “faith” be required?
As stated in the comment, “If I prove to someone God exists using facts and data and evidence, the chances are great that someone else will come up with their own facts and data and evidence to disprove.” That is so true, and because our human reasoning can be counter balanced by their human reasoning, we then have the grounds for ‘faith’, which God demands of those who come to Him. It may be referred to as ‘Divine Reason’, ‘His Spirit drawing us to Him’ or yet other references, but it is still because of ‘faith’ working in us that God is able to draw us to Him?
Faulty ‘proofs’ will not do the trick. It only introduces some doubtful, yet searching minds, to the possibility of the truth we intend to portray. Often, our human reasoning is, what appears to be, a hindrance to man when it comes to understanding the ‘true’ concept of God. Every time we preach, we are using human reasoning in our attempt to prove our point. Should we stop preaching? No, Of course not! So, what about those who are hindered by our human reasoning? It is ‘their’ responsibility now, at this point, to act in faith and step across the ‘gap’ between them and God. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
All of this that I have just said and all of our human reasoning is faulty. So, I am probably theologically incorrect, but what else can a non-theologian be? Could he be ‘Accepted’?
I believe that Kirk and Ray are helping to win lost men and women to Christ and helping some to believe in the existence of God, but I must admit, I don’t think a banana would have been adequate proof to me of the existence of God if I was searching for such proof.
Thanks ‘Mike’ for your comments. I checked out your blogspot and thought it was great. I would love to receive any comments to this posting.
I still love Kirk and Ray.
The theologian that I referred to was probably concerned with our faulty attempts to “prove” God. Our faulty attempts, i.e. our human reasoning, will never be adequate proof of the existence of God. As a matter of fact, human reasoning is not sufficient to bring a man into a personal relationship with God. It can introduce him to God, but the only thing that can bring a man to a relationship with God is “faith”. If we could “prove” the existence of God, where then, would “faith” be required?
As stated in the comment, “If I prove to someone God exists using facts and data and evidence, the chances are great that someone else will come up with their own facts and data and evidence to disprove.” That is so true, and because our human reasoning can be counter balanced by their human reasoning, we then have the grounds for ‘faith’, which God demands of those who come to Him. It may be referred to as ‘Divine Reason’, ‘His Spirit drawing us to Him’ or yet other references, but it is still because of ‘faith’ working in us that God is able to draw us to Him?
Faulty ‘proofs’ will not do the trick. It only introduces some doubtful, yet searching minds, to the possibility of the truth we intend to portray. Often, our human reasoning is, what appears to be, a hindrance to man when it comes to understanding the ‘true’ concept of God. Every time we preach, we are using human reasoning in our attempt to prove our point. Should we stop preaching? No, Of course not! So, what about those who are hindered by our human reasoning? It is ‘their’ responsibility now, at this point, to act in faith and step across the ‘gap’ between them and God. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
All of this that I have just said and all of our human reasoning is faulty. So, I am probably theologically incorrect, but what else can a non-theologian be? Could he be ‘Accepted’?
I believe that Kirk and Ray are helping to win lost men and women to Christ and helping some to believe in the existence of God, but I must admit, I don’t think a banana would have been adequate proof to me of the existence of God if I was searching for such proof.
Thanks ‘Mike’ for your comments. I checked out your blogspot and thought it was great. I would love to receive any comments to this posting.
I still love Kirk and Ray.
Monday, June 11, 2007
If I Can't Have Seven, I'll Take Three!
For the past two weeks, the reaction to my medication has been a little more consistent. Is that good? Maybe. But 'good' just doesn't seem to reconcile with extreme fatigue. Man! I know what it means to be fatigued. Every fiber of my being seems to cry out for rest sometimes, and that's just what I do. I stop and rest.
Walking from the church parking lot to the church, and then up the hallway to the church foyer, part of which is inclined, can be quite a task. Yesterday, as we were in the hallway, a 90 year old woman who walks two miles a day, came 'sprinting' by, saying, "Hello, how are you today." I told Janis, "You'll just have to wait on me while I take my time."
I really hope that this doesn't stretch out much longer. Four days a week is long enough, but that's about how it has been for the past two weeks.
This morning, I took Momma to the doctor. I am feeling stronger and I suppose I'll get stronger each day, but then comes Wednesday. After church Wednesday night, I will come home and 'shoot' myself again. Hey! That really sounds like a boring church service to have someone go home and shoot themselves, doesn't it? :) Really, Sis. Maloney is a great teacher and I enjoy it. But, I have to give myself the "Peg-Intron" shot with the "Redipen" once a week. If next week is like the last two, then Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be my worst days. Thank the Lord for three pretty good days. 'Seven is coming.'
Walking from the church parking lot to the church, and then up the hallway to the church foyer, part of which is inclined, can be quite a task. Yesterday, as we were in the hallway, a 90 year old woman who walks two miles a day, came 'sprinting' by, saying, "Hello, how are you today." I told Janis, "You'll just have to wait on me while I take my time."
I really hope that this doesn't stretch out much longer. Four days a week is long enough, but that's about how it has been for the past two weeks.
This morning, I took Momma to the doctor. I am feeling stronger and I suppose I'll get stronger each day, but then comes Wednesday. After church Wednesday night, I will come home and 'shoot' myself again. Hey! That really sounds like a boring church service to have someone go home and shoot themselves, doesn't it? :) Really, Sis. Maloney is a great teacher and I enjoy it. But, I have to give myself the "Peg-Intron" shot with the "Redipen" once a week. If next week is like the last two, then Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be my worst days. Thank the Lord for three pretty good days. 'Seven is coming.'
Friday, June 8, 2007
My Progress Report
I feel like I should make a 'post' to let those of you who want to know, how I am doing. Well, physically, I'm doing OK I guess. Not perfect. Not super. But OK. My last doctor's appointment was this past Monday. The report! I lost another 7 lbs. but my blood count was within acceptable range. The nurse said that if it went any lower that she may have to reduce my dosage of medicine, but she thinks it has stabilized because the reading was the same as the time before. The nurse hinted at the possibility that this treatment is working for me. Of course she cannot commit herself to that until after the twelve week exam. Actually, it looks like it's going to be 14 weeks because my next appointment will not be until July 5th. Now, that will be an important time. The blood reading that they get at that time will be the determining factor as to whether or not I will continue therapy until the full 48 weeks have passed. I don't know if they are going to do something different to me at that time or not, but surely they must be going to do something more with my blood because they will read the viral count at that time. Pray that it will be down from more than 7 million to about 700,000. That's what they need to see. Or, if it is completely gone, that would be better. I don't understand it, but if the viral count is not reduced by that much (in 12 weeks) then they will probably decide that it will not prove to be a worthwhile thing to continuing the treatment. Does that make sense? No! Not to me either, but I'm not the doctor. Anyway, I'm believing that God is healing my body through this process. I also got a call from the doctor's office yesterday that the blood reading from the blood taken Monday, was looking good.
Well, that's the report, but if you want to know how I feel, I'll try to tell you. I 'shot' myself for the 10th. time this past Wednesday night. Yesterday, Thursday, started out 'OK' but before the day was very old, I felt like, uh, well, how do you describe it? Like, er, ah, no, I can't say that. I felt like a genuine, sorry, good-for-nothing, lazy teenager, living is an old worn out body. I didn't do anything yesterday, but sit at my computer and compute. I bought an external hard drive to add to my computer, a 160 gb Seagate external drive, and I have been trying to clean my C-drive so my computer will have more freedom. It was easy to hook up, but moving files from 'C' to 'F' can be frustrating. I'd do that for a little while, then add an old program that I hated to delete in the past, then I'd get up and talk to Janis, sit in the living room, or maybe eat something, then I get tired of doing that and go back to computing. That just let's you know how wonderful computers are. When I don't have the strength to do anything else, I can sit in my computer chair and compute. It's really confusing. Sometimes I think that computers are of the devil and sometimes I acknowledge that God had to give Bill Gates the wisdom to do all of this stuff.
I thought surely today, I'd feel so much better but this day is not starting out rosy. However, this morning I decided that I'd get fully dressed because I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and because in a little while, Janis and I are going somewhere. Even if she has to drive, I'm getting out of this house. Oh, goodness! These two days, yesterday and today, have been 'fatigue-y' and wet-eyed. I'm trying to drink 'ensure' and eat chicken livers for protein, and I'm trying to stay ready for the wet-eye syndrome at all times.
Keep me in your prayers and I know that everything is going to be all right. I also still know that God has everything under control.
Well, that's the report, but if you want to know how I feel, I'll try to tell you. I 'shot' myself for the 10th. time this past Wednesday night. Yesterday, Thursday, started out 'OK' but before the day was very old, I felt like, uh, well, how do you describe it? Like, er, ah, no, I can't say that. I felt like a genuine, sorry, good-for-nothing, lazy teenager, living is an old worn out body. I didn't do anything yesterday, but sit at my computer and compute. I bought an external hard drive to add to my computer, a 160 gb Seagate external drive, and I have been trying to clean my C-drive so my computer will have more freedom. It was easy to hook up, but moving files from 'C' to 'F' can be frustrating. I'd do that for a little while, then add an old program that I hated to delete in the past, then I'd get up and talk to Janis, sit in the living room, or maybe eat something, then I get tired of doing that and go back to computing. That just let's you know how wonderful computers are. When I don't have the strength to do anything else, I can sit in my computer chair and compute. It's really confusing. Sometimes I think that computers are of the devil and sometimes I acknowledge that God had to give Bill Gates the wisdom to do all of this stuff.
I thought surely today, I'd feel so much better but this day is not starting out rosy. However, this morning I decided that I'd get fully dressed because I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and because in a little while, Janis and I are going somewhere. Even if she has to drive, I'm getting out of this house. Oh, goodness! These two days, yesterday and today, have been 'fatigue-y' and wet-eyed. I'm trying to drink 'ensure' and eat chicken livers for protein, and I'm trying to stay ready for the wet-eye syndrome at all times.
Keep me in your prayers and I know that everything is going to be all right. I also still know that God has everything under control.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Fred & Frances Brannen - 50 Yrs. Together!
Saturday we helped celebrate the 50th. anniversary of my oldest brother, Fred, and his wife, Frances. That seems to be a more rare kind of event these days, but there are still some who know and understand the art of living together. Oh, yes! It's an art. Some men are real artists at some of the shenanigans they pull and then the cover-ups they hatch. :) I must not give all the credit to the men, however. Some women have perfected the art also. Can I get a good hearty "Amen" men?
Someone said, "The way to be married for 50 years is to never get a divorce." Fred and Frances never did get a divorce and continued to live together through the good, the bad and the ugly. Now I really don't know their personal lives that much, but I believe there has been more good than bad and ugly. I know they have really made an impact on a lot of lives, some of which were at the celebration Saturday and gave testimony to that fact. So many people had so many nice things to say about how they have been touched by the lives of Fred & Frances. Everyone had the opportunity to say something if they wanted to, and I should have made a short speech, but by the time I realized that I had something to say, it was really too late to do it with dignity so I thought, "I'll just blog my story and let everyone read it, if they want to." What follows is true.
When I was in the 10th. grade of high school, I had the misfortune of failing my English class. I went to summer school that year in Gulfport, MS, where Fred was stationed in the United States Coast Guard. I stayed with Fred & Frances in their small, eight foot wide trailer. They were very gracious in allowing me to stay with them during that time. You know, I don't remember any time that we got mad at each other or even had any arguments. I must have really been a good kid, huh? :o) Not really!
Here I was, a teenager, away from home, and Momma and Daddy didn't know what I was doing. The trailer was parked in the Ocean Springs (I believe that's the name of it) trailer park. There was a community bath house for the men and I guess, one for the women. I had the unhealthy desire to smoke cigarettes. Yes, I was the preacher's son but some deacon's kid somewhere taught me how to smoke. Err, ah, it might have been Fred who taught me to do that in Campaign, TN. At any rate, I enjoyed going to the shower so that I could indulge myself. Now, Frances was a 'little more wiser' than I was hoping for her to be. She just knew that something fishy was going on. Well, Fred came to check on me one day and caught me puffing away. He asked me, "What do you want to do that for?"
"I don't know," I answered. "I guess for the same reason you used to want to do it."
What I want to point out is that he didn't 'chew' me out or any thing like that. Further more, a short time later Fred & Frances were going somewhere, maybe to church, I don't remember, but they wanted me to watch Frankie while they were gone. Frankie was just a baby, maybe 1 or 2 yrs. old. Frances said to me just before they left, something like, "Now, Lowell, we don't want you to leave Frankie here in the trailer by herself, so if you want to smoke just use this cup to put your cigarettes out in." You know how smooth talking Frances is. And she said it with a smile on her face. No accusations! No blame! Just loving concern. And can you believe, they are the ones who let me, some years later, preach my first revival at their church in Tellico Plains, TN. They could have impacted my life for a bad memory, but they choose to love me anyway and I know they were, and still are, praying for me.
Thank you Fred & Frances for being who you are. Janis and I both love you.
Janis and I have 16 years to go before we can celebrate our 50th. I would be 80 years old. If the Lord tarries and we reach that milestone, I hope that it will be easy for my children to find something good to say about me. They won't have any trouble finding someone who can pin accolades on Janis, but I'm a little worried about me. I will expect some grand celebration if we reach that time, so kids (Stephen, Tammy, Jennifer & Jonathan), you have 16 years to think about it.
Someone said, "The way to be married for 50 years is to never get a divorce." Fred and Frances never did get a divorce and continued to live together through the good, the bad and the ugly. Now I really don't know their personal lives that much, but I believe there has been more good than bad and ugly. I know they have really made an impact on a lot of lives, some of which were at the celebration Saturday and gave testimony to that fact. So many people had so many nice things to say about how they have been touched by the lives of Fred & Frances. Everyone had the opportunity to say something if they wanted to, and I should have made a short speech, but by the time I realized that I had something to say, it was really too late to do it with dignity so I thought, "I'll just blog my story and let everyone read it, if they want to." What follows is true.
When I was in the 10th. grade of high school, I had the misfortune of failing my English class. I went to summer school that year in Gulfport, MS, where Fred was stationed in the United States Coast Guard. I stayed with Fred & Frances in their small, eight foot wide trailer. They were very gracious in allowing me to stay with them during that time. You know, I don't remember any time that we got mad at each other or even had any arguments. I must have really been a good kid, huh? :o) Not really!
Here I was, a teenager, away from home, and Momma and Daddy didn't know what I was doing. The trailer was parked in the Ocean Springs (I believe that's the name of it) trailer park. There was a community bath house for the men and I guess, one for the women. I had the unhealthy desire to smoke cigarettes. Yes, I was the preacher's son but some deacon's kid somewhere taught me how to smoke. Err, ah, it might have been Fred who taught me to do that in Campaign, TN. At any rate, I enjoyed going to the shower so that I could indulge myself. Now, Frances was a 'little more wiser' than I was hoping for her to be. She just knew that something fishy was going on. Well, Fred came to check on me one day and caught me puffing away. He asked me, "What do you want to do that for?"
"I don't know," I answered. "I guess for the same reason you used to want to do it."
What I want to point out is that he didn't 'chew' me out or any thing like that. Further more, a short time later Fred & Frances were going somewhere, maybe to church, I don't remember, but they wanted me to watch Frankie while they were gone. Frankie was just a baby, maybe 1 or 2 yrs. old. Frances said to me just before they left, something like, "Now, Lowell, we don't want you to leave Frankie here in the trailer by herself, so if you want to smoke just use this cup to put your cigarettes out in." You know how smooth talking Frances is. And she said it with a smile on her face. No accusations! No blame! Just loving concern. And can you believe, they are the ones who let me, some years later, preach my first revival at their church in Tellico Plains, TN. They could have impacted my life for a bad memory, but they choose to love me anyway and I know they were, and still are, praying for me.
Thank you Fred & Frances for being who you are. Janis and I both love you.
Janis and I have 16 years to go before we can celebrate our 50th. I would be 80 years old. If the Lord tarries and we reach that milestone, I hope that it will be easy for my children to find something good to say about me. They won't have any trouble finding someone who can pin accolades on Janis, but I'm a little worried about me. I will expect some grand celebration if we reach that time, so kids (Stephen, Tammy, Jennifer & Jonathan), you have 16 years to think about it.
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